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她向我眉目传情。She gave me the eye.

恋人间以眉目传情。Lovers talk with their eyes.

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在宴会上她对他眉目传情。Her eyes spoke to him at the party.

与七星公园的马儿“眉目传情”。Ogle with little horse in Seven Star Park.

考虑这样一个场景--一男一女购物时相遇,眉目传情,男的声称自己是大老板,正在谈一笔大买卖,随后盛赞女孩的美貌举世无双正是自己的梦中情人...Consider this scenario – a girl meets a guy while out shopping.

有目光接触其他人,但确保你不要盯或眉目传情。Have eye contact with others but make sure you do not stare or ogle.

他乘机百般撩拨,眉目传情。He tried in a hundred ways to convey his own feelings, casting arch glances at them.

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10月13日,当金星与火星开始眉目传情时,你的爱情运就将开始。It'll start on October 13, when Venus will flirt with Mars in the most charming way.

我们的孩子也都找到了他们的意中人,眉目传情依然继续着。Our children's eyes have now captured the eyes of their mates and the cycle of sight continues.

能在举手投足和眉目传情间,相互得到情感的需求和满足。Can in raises hand to step in and to flirt with the eyes, obtains the emotion demand mutually and satisfies.

不过大多数男子更希望接吻之前多一些眉目传情、双目交汇,而在接吻过程中他们则不喜欢被对方紧紧盯着看。But, instead of being stared at during the kissing process, man hopes to get a sufficient eyes contact in advance.

查理·梅的态度是有点嘲弄的,因为他和朱丽亚曾有过点眉目传情的事,而给韩蒙严峻地破坏了。Charlie May was slightly satirical, for he had flirted a very little with Julia, and Hammond had cut up very roughly.

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梅丽莎回忆说,这次会议又长又无聊,但却给了他们两个隔着整个屋子眉目传情的机会。The meeting was long and boring, Melissa recounts, but it gave them a chance to make eyes at each other from across the room.

但他们真的可以让这种担忧凌驾于国土安全之上,把国家托付给一个热爱暴君,跟普京眉目传情,对北约嗤之以鼻的政坛菜鸟吗?But can they really elevate that concern above national security and entrust the country to a tyrant-loving, Putin-flirting, NATO-dissing novice?

一封没有邮票的信,怀着忐忑的心情打开,却是你的歉意??????相知只有眉目传情的一刻,我却惘你用情极深。Not a letter, with open heart perturbed, but it is apology you only know each other ?????? Regards shape of the moment, I was deeply frustrated you.

整个晚上,看到两人眉目传情,妈妈就怀疑布瑞和珍妮弗之间有比眼睛能看到的更多东些。Over the course of the evening, while watching the two interact, Mom started to wonder if there was more between Brian and Jennifer than met the eye.

以前我们谈些风花雪月的事,用眉目传情的夜晚和微笑相对的午后,可以打发一个季节,我们可以忽略彼此微妙的变化,为爱沉醉。In the past we can kill one reason by talking about sentimental wrightings and ogle at night, smiling at each other after noon, with neglecting mutual delicate change and intoxicated for love.

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小雯到伟安房间送热牛奶,两个人眉目传情,希坦夫人非常反感小雯带有目的地接近伟安,并扬言开除小雯。Small cloud patterns to wei Ann room send hot milk, two people flirt, Mrs Bush temple dislike small cloud patterns with destination close to wei Ann, and threatened to fire small cloud patterns.