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比喻每个人都有自己不同的见解。Views vary from ppl to ppl.

这样的比喻是什么含义?What does this simile mean?

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这是伽利略的比喻。That was the Galileo simile.

他膀喜欢在说话中用比喻。He likes to talk in similitude.

他讲论了“末日”的比喻。He tells parables of "the end."

是罘能用什庅涞比喻旳。Can what to use to do allegory's.

不过一般说来,我们所有人都是以比喻的方式使用这个单词。Figuratively we all use the word.

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这是关于落叶的比喻。This is the simile of the leaves.

所以我比较喜欢这样的树的比喻。So I like this tree metaphor here.

作者的比喻令我迷惑。The author's imagery mystifies me.

不过“云”的比喻似乎更合适。The cloud metaphor seems more apt.

疯狗对着太阳叫。比喻坏人不自量地叫嚣。The dog barks in vain at the moon.

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这个比喻很贴切。This metaphor is very appropriate.

就像汤碗的比喻一样。Just like the bowl of soup analogy.

这两个比喻放在一起很不相配。These two metaphors are mismatched.

你的生活将完美无缺。比喻啊…Your life'll beall peaches and cream.

第13章全部是比喻。Chapter 13 in Matthew is all parables.

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你有听过珍珠项链的比喻吗?Have you ever heard of a pearl necklace?

这样怎能明白一切的比喻呢?How then will you understand any parable?

然而诸比丘,这只是一个比喻。However, Bhikkhus, this is just a simile.