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请来电索取实样。Please call for the samples.

美国索取次数为3,580次,位居第二。The U. S was second with 3,580.

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你可以写信索取书单。You may write for the booklist.

我们将开出汇票向你方索取费用。We will draw on you for the expenses.

强盗向那位观光客索取金钱。A mugger demanded the tourist's money.

先付出,再索取,切莫颠倒。First, then get paid, never topsy-turvy.

他总是向我索取过高的货价。He always charges me too much for his goods.

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对我们来说,奉献比索取更为重要。It is more important for us to give than to receive.

许多人来信索取样品。Many people have written into us asking for samples.

强盗劫持了女继承人并向她索取赎金。The robber abduct the heiress and hold her to ransom.

绑匪向小孩的父母索取赎金。The kidnappers levied a ransom on the child's parents.

请你们参加庆祝世界无烟日,索取你们享受没有烟草烟雾的清洁空气的权利。Claim your right to clean air, free from tobacco smoke.

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请确信你们的关系有索取和给予的空间。Make sure your relationship has room for give and take.

在国际舞台上,它仍然是一个索取者,而非给予者。On the international scene, it is a taker, not a giver.

当然你也可以电话生病动物之家来索取参赛表格。Or call into one PDSA's shops to pick up an entry form.

有些司机索取的车资高达原法定车资的十倍。Some drivers charge as much as ten times the legal fare.

感谢贵司于6月26日来函索取运费表。Thank you for your letter of 26 June, asking for tariffs.

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在恋人分手的时候,我们能够向对方索取分手费吗?。When lovers part, can we ask for money from another side?

有些人在所谓的“奉献”过后总是索取回报。Some people always ask for payment after their “dedication”.

然后他们把英国告上了法庭索取剩下的预付定金。Then they took Britain to court to reclaim the down payment.