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引述与引用写法也各异。In-text citations also vary.

这是更普通的一种写法。That's the more common term.

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这是一样的只是不同的写法。It's the same thing, just different notation.

字形上统一写法,减少异体字。The form is unified and variants are reduced.

你可以模仿借鉴他们的写法。You can imitate them and learn from them. So.

氢氧化物的化学式写法和命名法可参照「二元化合物」。The rules for binary compounds apply to the hydroxides.

对的,我阅读文献也见过这种写法,没关系的。This is perfectly fine. I've seen references like that.

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两种写法在各种资料都有出现。And you'll see both of those written in different sources.

第四章由读创写,是将所读的升华成写法。Chapter IV tells we should sublimate reading into writing.

写法真实事道破,言简意赅字利落。The real thing in writing, concise and comprehensive word neat.

我可以使用下面的写法转置一系列的元素。We can also reverse the range of element by writing it this way.

这个写法实现了什么功能?。How to make my onmouseover function and onmouseout function work?

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这种直抒胸臆的写法正是这位作家的风格。Pouring out the heart is exactly the writing style of this writer.

他缓慢而精确地朗读同一章的两种写法。With slow precision, he read two versions of the same epic chapter.

而平白直接的写法,缺乏隐喻同样适合这样的风格。The plain, direct writing, devoid of metaphor, suits the genre well.

比使用指针的容器更方便的写法。Notational convenience compared to the use of containers of pointers.

繁体字的写法可以告诉你每个字的意思。The method of writing can tell you the meaning behind every character.

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现在这一段在许多方面都应该有不同的写法了。That passage would, in many respects, be very differently worded today.

我不信您显赫的祖先会徒劳无益地玩弄不同的写法。I do not think that your illustrious ancestor toyed idly with variations.

于是他在每一行开头用了大写字母以后,却继续照着他的散文写法不误。So he begins every line with a capital letter, and keeps on writing prose.