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第五、学有余力之时,丰富自己的课余生活。Fifth, , learn to spare time, enrich my life.

课余她经常很耐心的帮助我们学习。After class she often helps us learn patiently.

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课余时间他常和我们做游戏。He always plays games with us in our spare time.

课余时间我喜欢去图书馆读读书、看看报。In my spare time I enjoy reading in the library.

第三,利用课余时间教孩子们抖空竹。Teach the children how to play Chinese Yoyo outside class.

学生们在课余时间可以参加许多俱乐部。The students have lots of clubs to join in their spare time.

然而,真正的团队建设,却是在课余完成的。True team-building, however, took place during the away day.

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那位老师经常用课余时间辅导学生。The teacher often spends her spare time coaching the students.

我的课余活动包括参加数学兴趣小组和戏剧社。My extracurricular activities include the Math and Drama Clubs.

课余的时候,还常常带贝出去玩耍。After school time, still often take shellfish to go out have fun.

课余时间,他开着一辆老款福特车坚持送报赚钱。Spare time he drove an old Ford insisted newspaper delivery money.

高荣基在云南大学读中文,要准备汉语考试,课余时间还打工。He is preparing the HSK test and doing some part-time job after class.

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此外在课余时间进行理论与实践的结合。In addition, after-school time for a combination of theory and practice.

课余时间,我们可以一起交流,一起参加一些活动。In spare time, we can talk to each other or join some activities together.

在课余时间和朋友一起运动、锻炼也是我很开心的事情。In after-school time with friends and campaign training I am also happy thing.

在1980和1990年代的早期,我们的课余生活是贫乏的。Life outside school was usually very infertile in the 1980's and early 1990's.

并利用课余时间学习并掌握了一定的UG绘图知识。And use after school hours to learn and master a certain UG graphics knowledge.

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课余训练队参差不齐,管理不规范,训练不系统,体育竞赛环境有待净化等等。The team of training is lack of management and their training is not systematic.

为了入选校网球队,他花了大量课余时间训练。Having been chosen as a member of the school tennis team, he trained even harder.

他们说兼职教授没有时间和赞助在课余时间去帮助学生。They say adjuncts do not have the time or support to help students outside class.