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这已注定是一场败仗It was a losing battle.

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那一天是命中注定的。It is the day of destiny.

全都是命里注定的结果。Lane life are all doomed.

有些失去是注定的。Some lose is predestined.

她注定被人遗忘。She was doomed to oblivion.

也就是冥冥中注定的那一个。Also is the one that doomed.

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灵魂注定是勇敢的?Does the soul destine brave?

我就知道她是我命中注定的那位。I just knew she was the one.

所以我注定了也是一个戏子。So I'm fated to be an actor.

这些人的死是注定的。These deaths are predestined.

如果我注定要失败怎么办?What if I’m destined to fail?

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反动统治注定要垮台。The reactionary rule is doomed.

自己注定平庸一生吗?Are you destined for mediocrity?

因为女人是注定要牺牲的。Because women have to sacrifice.

好像我们命里注定就是要在一起。It seems like we're meant to be.

珍丽注定是个失败者。Jenny is destined to be a loser.

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我注定是一个没有幸福的人!I am foredoomed a unhappy person!

科托娃是注定成就卓越的。Kotova is destined for greatness.

但酒精注定是他的祸根。But alcohol was to be his undoing.