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抬眼就看到天使的笑靥。I can see the angels' smile.

她抬眼扫视了一下这间灰沉沉的办公室。She glanced about the rusty office.

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尼克从化油器上抬眼瞟了我一下,问道。Nick said, glancing at me over the carburetor.

人们从场院里抬眼就可以看见And from there those that lifted eyes could count

啊,我不敢抬眼仰望的天神啊,你还肯再饶恕我吧。Thou to whom I dare not lift mine eyes, wilt Thou yet pardon me?

他抬眼盯着她,在篝火的余光中眨着眼睛。He stared up at her, blinking in the glow of the dying camp fire.

当吉米正用按压的方法减慢弗雷德的伤口出血时,他抬眼一看Jimmy was applying pressure to slow Fred’s bleeding when, glancing up

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抬眼,涌起一种幸福,暖暖的,漫上心底。Looked up, filled with a happy, warm, diffuse on the bottom of my heart.

小队长只抬眼瞄了一下,一副事情的进展正如他的预期的表情。Captain glanced it, and his face looked like everything went on hiss plan.

小王子坐在一块石头上,抬眼望着天空,说道。The little prince sat down on a stone, and raised his eyes toward the sky.

老妇人含糊不清地说着,在胸前划了个十字,又抬眼望着苍天。The old woman muttered, crossed herself, and raised her eyes toward heaven.

但他紧握双手捂在胸前,抬眼眺望天顶。But he clasped both his hands over his breast, and cast his eyes towards the zenith.

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六月抬眼扫了两人一眼,又垂下,可不奇么?Lifted an eye to sweep 2 people's one eye in June, again pendency, can be not strange?

瞬间,我周围的混乱停止了,几千只眼睛抬眼望着天空搜寻着失踪的月亮。First, the chaos around me halted, while thousands of eyes searched the sky for the missing moon.

珠儿大获全胜,不声不晌地凯旋面归,她回到母亲身边,微笑着抬眼望着母亲的脸。The victory accomplished, Pearl returned quietly to her mother, and looked up, smiling, into her face.

老人抬眼望去,是坐在花园边一张长椅上的一个中年妇女扔过来的。The old man looked up and saw a middle-aged woman sitting on a bench in the garden who threw the tissue.

听着花无心的问话,急忙抬眼瞥了眼东方锦。Listen to cost no intentionally query words, quickly elevated heaved eye Pie the east of the eye brocade.

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少女抬眼顾盼,羞答答情怯怯,秋波在同伴身上流连忘返。The maiden raised her eyes and suffered them to linger upon her companion with a bashful and admiring gaze.

六月抬眼,看向秋子初,好一会儿,才慢慢的点了下头。Lift an eye in June, see fair slowly order bottom toward the son beginning in autumn, very in a short while.

幸福开心、心头一块石头落地、还有点不知所措,我把头靠在池子边上抬眼望着韦恩。Happy, relieved and a little overwhelmed, I threw my head back against the side of the pool to look at Wayne.