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赏钱,小费出于感激而给的钱,小费。Money given as a gratuity, a tip.

给搬行李的服务员一点儿赏钱是个惯例。It is customary to give something to the porter.

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光武帝深表赞赏,又赏钱三十万。Guangwu deep appreciation and gratuities three hundred thousand.

赏钱,小费当得到服务所给的恩惠或礼物,通常以钱的形式给予。A favor or gift, usually in the form of money, given in return for service.

詹姆斯太唯利是图了,他为领取赏钱竟出卖了自己的母亲。James is so mercenary that he'd turn in his own mother for the reward money.

有否认为「易赏钱」可令你增加在百佳更多消费?Do you spending more in Parknshop after joining the "MoneyBack" rewards card?

这番话对张作霖很是受用,吃的高兴走的时候还打了赏钱!The words of Zhang zuolin is very enjoyable, happy to eat away also played a gratuity.

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如有争议,丰泽及「易赏钱」保留最终之决定权。In case of any disputes, FORTRESS and MoneyBack reserve the right of the final decision.

五舅他们得到了满足,玩龙灯的人得到了赏钱。Uncle Ke-ting and his friends enjoyed themselves, and the dragon dancers got their money.

街头小儿很快学会了这些歌曲,在街巷间奔走传唱,以此博取几文赏钱。Street children soon picked these up and ran around the streets singing them in return for a few coins.

丹尼的这招比奥巴马厉害多了,奥巴马就知道让女儿清理清理房间,然后就给点赏钱,水平差了一截。Danny did much worse than Obama, Obama knew her cleaning the room, and then give some tips, level difference.

他看上去像是生活舒适的某个产业主,一般的人可以指望从他这样的人手里得到些赏钱。He appeared a comfortable owner of something, a man from whom the common run of mortals could well expect gratuities.

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有能向追寻者提供罪犯地址者,上述赏钱将以现金方式当面付清。The above reward will be paid in cash to the person who will furnish the seeker, in a personal interview, the criminals address.

同时又为什么要在难得踏足的城市,给餐厅留下赏钱?But why do people tip taxi drivers they are never going to see again, or leave gratuities in restaurants in cities they rarely visit?

孩子喜欢赏钱,但也可以尝试一起进行一次具有特殊意义的旅行,准备一顿可口的饭菜,或尝试一下其他出其不意而富有意义的做法。Kids love monetary rewards, but you can also try a special trip together, a favorite dinner, or something else unexpected but valued.

词意逐渐演变,至18世纪末,词意就变成了为奖赏某人的服务而给赏钱,也就是付小费。The word gradually evolved to the point where, in the late 1700s, it meant to five a monetary gratuity to someone for service performed.

锦绣亲口应过拿了赏钱要送每人一件小礼物,锦兰把这事记得牢牢的。The rich brocade personally should lead to take peak to waiter have to send a chip a human small award, the brocade orchid remembers the prison prison to this material.

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在泰国中产阶级看来,穷人选民只会为像他信那样的民粹派政客投选票,就因为这些政客在选举的时候给了他们几泰铢的小赏钱。In the minds of the Thai middle class, poor voters only vote for politicians like the populist Thaksin because they're offered incentives such as a few baht on voting day.

况,这位谢姑娘大方非常,每每都会有赏钱,因此虽这帮婆子一向势力,对谢桥却是打心眼里头敬着的。Condition, this miss is very generous, often will attempt award money, therefore nevertheless this aids old woman son influence forever, to Xie Qiao but hammer mind's eye inside to respect.