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告知她在遥远的枯井中把薄衫洗浣。Tell her to wash it in yonder dry well.

梦想能从枯井中抽出水。A dream will draw water out of a dry well.

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很久很久以前,一头驴子掉到了一个枯井里。Long, long ago, a donkey fell in a dry well.

一天,一位农夫的驴子掉进一口枯井。One day a farmer's donkey fell into a dry well.

冷不防,他们失去了平衡掉进了枯井。All of a sudden, they lost their balance and fell in.

一日,农夫的驴子掉进了一口枯井里。One day a farmer’s donkey fell into an abandoned well.

他把十个人投到一个枯井里活埋。Ten people, he threw down a dry well and buried alive.

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枯井越多,就意味着钻探费用越高,而找到的石油也越少。More dry holes mean spending more money to find less oil.

以及逸自空及枯井的歌声。And voices singing out of empty cisterns and exhausted wells.

还有歌声发自空水槽和枯井。And voices singing out of empty cisterns and exhausted wells.

那寂静的枯井,在苍白的月光下,凄凉了世界。The silent about a dry well, in the pale moonlight, and the world.

这时,有人说老人跌入了豆田内的一口枯井中。By now, some people said old person has fallen into in a bean field dry well.

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只见一个人家,被火烧坏土墙,糜夫人抱着阿斗,坐于墙下枯井之傍啼哭。Lady Mi was holding Ah Dou and sitting at the base, near a dry well, weeping.

了空把一捆鹿竹扔在一个枯井里,然后把阿三叫来。Liaokong put a bunch of Deer Bamboo in the bottom of a dry well and called Ah-3 over.

有缺憾的人生犹如一口枯井,没有任何意义。Those with disappointment in their life are like a dry well , having no significance at all.

美国明尼苏达州有一只驴子掉到一口无人使用的枯井里。但现在,这只驴子又开心地享用青草大餐了。A donkey fell down a dry well that nobody was using in Minnesota . But now it is happily eating grass again.

一天青蛙贝力和青蛙逖力在花园里玩儿,忽然他们的球掉进了枯井。One day Billy Frog and Tilly Frog were playing in the garden when suddenly their ball fell into the dry well.

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赵云在一位大嫂的指引下,在一截断墙后面的枯井旁找到糜夫人母子。With the help of a middle-AGED woman, Zhao Yun found Madam Mi and A Dou by the side of a dry well behind a collapsed wall.

赵云在一位大嫂的指引下,在一截断墙后面的枯井旁找到糜夫人母子。With the help of a mi. dle-aged woman, Zhao Yun found Madam mi. and A Dou by the side of a dry well behind a collapsed wall.

最后,他认为,驴子也羸老了,那口枯井按说也需要填平,将自己的那头驴子掩埋其中也不算是亏了那头畜生。Finally he decided the animal was old, and the well needed to be covered up anyway so it just wasn't worth it to retrieve the donkey.