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安丘人在外地的有多少啊?Also in foreign Anqiu person?

输入您的十六进位ESN在输入外地。Enter your hex ESN in the Input field.

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查利森与困惑采取到外地。Charleson and Puzzle take to the field.

农民可能用本地的牧草或外地的草种。A farmer might use native grasses or non-native seed.

我的孩子现在也已经十几岁了,在外地上学。Kids—mine are teen-agers now, too, and away at school.

我船船员准备外地时光1200时弃船。Our crew will abandon vessel at 1200 hours local time.

这座屋子高三层,是用外地的石头制作的。The building is 3-storey high, which is made of stone.

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“你说呢,”山泉故意用一口外地口音反问道。" What do you say, " spring to a foreign accent asked.

所有的男孩子无一例外地都受到盘问。All of the boys, without exception, were cross-examined.

不管我们在何时拔掉塞子,漩涡都会无一例外地出现。The whirlpool appears reliably whenever we pull the plug.

这本书是有关怎样由里到外地成为一个作家。This book is about becoming a writer from the inside out.

这是一个普通外地小女孩在北京求学的故事。It is a story of an outlander girl who studies in Beijing.

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几乎每一次,我都无一例外地爱上我足迹所至的城市。On almost every trip I fall in love with the city I visit.

这些外地客人,特别喜欢听我们这里的道情。These foreign visitors especially like our Taoist ballads.

而他们的父母无一例外地逼着他们继续前进。All the parents, without exception, forced them to move on.

你取笑那些外地来京人员是错误的。It is wrong of you to make fun of the strangers to Beijing.

你到外地去读大学。You've gone away to college in another part of the country.

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外来打工族是一个外地劳动力群体。Nonnative workers are labour force groups from other places.

外地标识牌设计制作好,如何处理包装问题。Good signage design field, how to deal with packaging issues.

复制帧,躲藏第二层外地一切层。Duplicate frame Hide original layer and unhide the second one.