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坦克掉了一条履带。The tank threw a track.

万向防翻特种车采用三履带防翻特种车结构。The vehicle use three pedrail to anti-turnover.

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坦克的履带销在40.5公里后会破裂。Tracks. Eight pins broke after 40.5 kilometers.

让不同的鞋履带给您丰富的人生之旅。Let different shoe pedrail give you the force of rich life.

比较之下,橡胶履带通常能够使用超过3000公里。Rubber tracks, by contrast, usually last more than 3,000km.

该起重机为SCC4000型履带起重机,由中国上海三一集团设计生产,将承担起吊救援舱的重任。The crane is a SCC4000 crawler made by Shanghai's Sany Group.

装甲精英步兵半履带车生命由300降低至285。Panzer Elite Infantry Halftrack health reduced from 300 to 285.

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一种基于履带类型的系统正在发展中。A track-based version of the system is currently in development.

车辙桥地形是履带式车辆训练中的重要科目。Going through treadway bridge is important to driver's training.

我们准备给400T履带吊机使用两条90T吊带。We plan to use two 90T lifting slings for the 400T crawler crane.

与此同时,Soucy公司正在为大型坦克开发橡胶履带。Soucy, meanwhile, is developing rubber tracks for full-sized tanks.

履带式小型装甲车是由一个BAR和一挺机枪组成的支援武器。The Bren is a mix of a support weapon such as a BAR and a machinegun.

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装甲精英反坦克炮半履带击毁履带技能射程由45米降低为32米。Elite AT Halftrack Treadbreaker ability range decreased from 45 to 32.

坦克除了用主炮和机枪向你射击外,它还可以用履带压扁你。It fires its main gun and machine-guns at you. It can also squash you.

国防军半履带喷火器升级价格从100弹药降低为75弹药。Wehrmacht Flammenwerfer upgrade cost reduced from 100 to 75 munitions.

采用履带行走机构,移动孔位方便,快捷。With crawler, it is easy and fast to find out the drill hole position.

采用单缸履带式战车发动机进行了一次持续480小时的试验。A singlecylinder caterpillar engine is used in a test of 480h duration.

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所有坦克的履带和炮盾都是以间隙装甲的形式建模的。Spaced armor is found on all tanks in the form of tracks or the mantlet.

“郑氏轮胎履带”的发明,有效地解决了这一难题。The invention of ' Zheng tyre pedrail', solves this problem effectively.

两辆原型车的主要相同处在于它们都是用橡胶-钢铁复合履带。One of the main features of both prototypes were rubber-and-steel tracks.