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他对时局演变的看法为何?What did he think was going on?

这就是篮球的演变。That’s the evolution of basketball.

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历史记录史事的演变。History records the march of events.

我们的新地球是在迅速地演变中。Our New Earth is in rapid unfoldment.

新景观-衡量标准正在发展演变中。New site-scale standards are evolving.

2009年,该节日演变成重要的网购节。It became a major shopping day in 2009.

争论演变成了公开论战。The argument boiled over into open war.

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这种病毒推动了新型疾病的演变。It drives the evolution of new diseases.

青藏高原演变史?Qinghai-Tibet Plateau evolution history?

怎么会演变到这个地步“?亚里士多德问。How did this come to be?" Aristotle asks.

独奏很快演变成竞争性的比赛。His solo quickly evolved into competition.

气动球阀是由旋塞阀演变而来。Pneumatic valve was evolved from the plug.

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亚里士多德告诉我们奴役是自然的演变。Aristotle tells us that slavery is natural.

这种习俗演变成了trick-or-treating。This custom evolved into trick-or-treating.

这就是我们现在在爱滋病病毒演变中所看到的情况”。And that is what we are seeing in this case.

鱼是由史前海洋生物演变而来的。Fish evolved from prehistoric sea creatures.

整个想法是由一句脱口而出的话演变而来的。The whole idea evolved from a casual remark.

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美国的制裁与叙美关系演变U。S. Sanctions and the Evolution of Syria- U. S.

当然有些事件最终演变成了恶斗。Some incidents did end in violence, of course.

韵母中的元音对声母系统演变的影响是其表现之一。Affection to initial from vowel is ont of them.