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他的养子上周出国了。His adopted son went abroad last week.

他指着他的养子作为证据。And he points to his adopted son as evidence for that.

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Richard是这家的养子,四岁半的时候在保加利亚一家孤儿院被收养。Richard was adopted from a Bulgarian orphanage when he was 4.5 years old.

最初,在线组织只是奥巴马的新媒体计划中的一个“养子”。At first, online organizing was a stepchild within Obama's new-media operation.

我们要开始讲柏拉图的儿子,他的养子,从某方面来说即亚里士多德。So we move to Plato's son, his adopted son, in a manner of speaking, Aristotle.

假如您是位笨手笨脚却貌似天仙的单身爸爸,请小心防备您的养子。If you are a clumsy but good looking single dad, please beware of your adopted son.

她经常无缘无故诟詈养子,邻居们都看不惯了。She constantly abused her adopted son for no reason. Even the neighbors couldn't stand it.

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在农村,养子是辛苦的,必须盖好新房子才能娶到媳妇。In the countryside, adopted son is hard, must build new house to marry the daughter-in-law.

麦当娜和里奇共有两个孩子,8岁的儿子洛克尔和在马拉维收养的养子、三岁的戴维•班达。The couple have an eight-year-old son, Rocco, and a three-year-old son adopted in Malawi, David Banda.

公共马车大亨安•格洛格的养子车祸后,在非洲医院的重症监护里。The adopted son of Stagecoach tycoon Ann Gloag is in intensive care in an African hospital after a car crash.

艾德·史塔克解鞍下马,他的养子席恩·葛雷乔伊立刻递上宝剑。Lord Eddard Stark dismounted and his ward Theon Greyjoy brought forth the sword. "Ice, " that sword was called.

弗洛克哈特说,他们和5岁的养子廉门在塔朗加动物园玩了大半天。Flockhart said the star couple and her adopted five-year-old son Liam spent much of the day at Taronga Park Zoo.

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冉闵是石虎的养子,原先是一个汉人农民在战争中被抓。Ran Min was an adopted son of emperor Shi Hu. His origin was perhaps a Han peasant that was captured during war.

报道说,目前安吉丽娜-朱莉正在家中待产,皮特已正式收养了朱莉的养子和养女。Pitt is now expecting a baby with Angelina Jolie and is in the process of adopting her two children, Maddox and Zahara.

摩西,创世纪的作者,出生在埃及,由他的母亲养大,他也是法老女儿的养子。Moses, the author of the Book of Genesis was born in Egypt, raised by his mother and the adopted son of Pharaoh's daughter.

现在她手头又是这样一桩案子,一位姓杨的老奶奶状告自己地养子张某。She is in hand again such a legal case now, Xing Yang's old grandmother's form tells he or she ground adopted son Zhang Mou.

父王,原来我是你们的养子,为什么不早点告诉我。我为有这样母亲而伤心。我们该怎么办?Father, I am your adopted son originally, why don't you tell me earlier. I have such a mother and I feel sad. What should we do?

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我过去一直是,将来也永远是骄傲地成为菲律宾人,但我也想,把自己作为一个养子北京。I have always been and will always be proud to be Filipino , but I would also like to regard myself as an adopted son of Beijing.

同时,养子还是藩镇之间斗争的重要力量,加剧了社会的动乱。On the other hand, the adopted sons were also important forces of the wars between vassal states and thus aggravated social upheaval.

根据古文献可知,鸤鸠在树上养子且有“主管平均”的鸟传说。According to ancient literature, Shijiu foster their children in trees and there goes a legend that Shijiu were in charge of evenness.