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中长跑是一项需要耐力的运动。Mid-long run is a movement that need endurance.

在中长跑比赛中,非洲选手囊括了所有的奖牌。African runners swept the medals in the distance events.

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本文对中长跑比赛的相关问题加以浅析。This article makes an analysis of middle -distance and long-distance running.

中长跑项目也很受欢迎,因为它不仅要求速度,还需要耐力。Sprinting distance events are exciting because they require both high speed and endurance.

山东省中长跑项目运动员的总体质量比较好,成才率较高。The mid-long distance runners of Shandong province have good quality and high talent rate.

既然一名中长跑运动员的目标是要跑得更快,那为什么还要在训练时没完没了地慢跑呢?Why go on endless, slow training runs when the aim of a middle distance runner is to become faster?

如果在教学工作中应用生物钟理论也能提高中长跑成绩。If we apply theory of biological clock in our teaching work, we can raise the results of middle-distauce run.

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这位阿富汗中长跑选手并未为此所动,她坚持锻炼,她的奥运梦也快要实现了。The Afghan middle-distance runner nonetheless trekked on and was on the verge of realizing her Olympic dream.

如果一名中长跑选手每天只进行速度练习,那么他将不能提高自己的耐力。If a distance runner practices speed work for the whole practice every day, he will not improve his endurance.

现有的许多男子和女子中长跑世界记录已经接近极限了。Many of the established men and women's middle and long distance running records are already nearing their limits.

在分析中长跑现状的基础上,提出了训练能力的概念,概括了教练员、运动员训练能力的分类与特点、关系与差异。This paper states the concept of the training ability, basing onthe present base of mid and long-distance running.

中长跑训练是大运动、大负荷训练,而大负荷引起机体的疲劳。Middle-long distance running is a training featured by heavy exercise and load which easily causes organism fatigue.

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本文运用心理测量等方法,对辽宁省18名优秀女子中长跑运动员进行心理能力的研究。By means of mental measurement, the author made the research on mental ability for 18 elite female middle distance runner.

采用不同的按摩手法和经穴部位进行针对性按摩,可以改善中长跑运动产生的不良效果。Different massages on different acupoints with a clear aim for each case can definitely alleviate pains resulted from sports.

并从教育学、心理学和医学生理学角度对中长跑运动员产生疲劳后采用的恢复措施进行了初步探讨。The paper also explores measures taken to recover middle-distance runner's tiredness from pedagogy, psychology and physiology.

中长跑运动是增强心肺功能发展耐力的有氧代谢运动项目,持续时间长,运动强度大,易出现"极点"现象.Medium-long run is a aerobic metabolism item of improvement heart-lung capability endurance that is keeping long time, active strength high.

中长跑是典型的速度、速度耐力、速度力量与技战术相结合的周期性的体能类项目。Middle distance and long distance races are typical periodical physique events that combine speed, endurance, strength and skills and strategy.

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通过调研和训练实践,发现目前国内外优秀的3000m障碍跑运动员都是从中长跑运动员转行过来的。Based on research and practice,most excellent athletes of 3000m obstacle race both at home and abroad come from middle and long distance runners.

通过问卷调研和实验研究了解中长跑运动员受训练影响免疫功能的变化情况。By questionnaire investigation and experiment the change of immune function influenced by training was studied in middle and long distance runners.

中长跑运动员的训练补贴不高,难以满足中长跑运动员大运动量的训练后的体能补给。Athlete's training subsidy middle-distance race is not high, to meet the great physiological load of exercise training athletes after fitness supplies.