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这是一场硬仗。It was a hard-fought battle.

这将是一场硬仗。It's going to be a tough battle.

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我知道这将是最艰难的一场硬仗。I knew this would be the roughest ride for me.

默多克先生很漂亮地打胜了一场硬仗。Murdoch has played a difficult hand brilliantly.

按照“历史经验”,奥巴马可能要打场硬仗。If history is anything to go by, Obama might be in for a rough ride.

随国家队在瑞士。明天对智利的硬仗,迫不及待啦。In Switzerland with the NT. Dificult game against Chile tomorrow, cant wait.

不可否认,我们作为挑战者,将有一场硬仗要打。There is no denying, that as a challenger now, we have a fight on our hands.

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日本已经表态将抵制该条例,但东京正在面临一场硬仗。Japan has already said it will oppose the ban, but Tokyo faces an uphill battle.

日本已经表态将抵制该条例,但东京正在面临一场硬仗。Japan has already said it would oppose the ban, but Tokyo faces an uphill battle.

湖人周四来访,之后周日热火驾临。这些都是硬仗。Lakers are coming up on Thursday, then the Heat on Sunday. Should be tough games.

即便科氏成功打压了奥巴马的势头,他们真正的政治硬仗才刚刚打响。Though the Kochs have slowed Obama’s momentum, their larger political battle is far from won.

他们在各项赛事中已输掉七场,而硬仗还数不胜数。They have now endured seven defeats in all competitions and there are a lot of stiff challenges still.

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随着共和党在这个政治赛季占得先机,准备好打一场特别的硬仗。And with Republicans gaining ground this political season, get ready for a particularly painful bout of it.

作为少有的军功卓著的共和党人,麦凯恩将给民主党总统候选人带来一场硬仗。An unlikely standard-bearer for the Republican party, McCain will offer a stiff test for the Democratic nominee.

桑德兰本赛季在硬仗中的表现令人关注,特别是客场击败了切尔西。Sunderland have shown what they can do against the big teams, particularly Chelsea at Stamford Bridge. That was a great result.

阿森纳的教练认为在精神上没有做好与桑德兰打一场硬仗的准备。The long-serving Arsenal manager said that his team did not do enough to mentally prepare for a tough battle in the North East.

“由于北京奥运会临近,这已经成为了一场硬仗,我们输不起”,一个县政府的网站上说。"It has become a tough war that we cannot afford to lose as the Beijing Olympics gets close, " a county government website said.

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哈特尔浦在对着森林的硬仗中运气不好,在最后时刻被对手击败。Pools have just come through a tough run of games and were perhaps unlucky to go down to a late strike by Agogo at Forest last time around.

我真的很高兴,不仅因为我的第一个进球,而是球队赢得了一场硬仗,踢出了精彩的比赛。"I'm really happy, not just because of my first goal but because the team won at a difficult ground and played good football. " Recoba said.

事实上他在罗马提升势力,是由于强大军事实力,而且赢了几场硬仗战争,让元老院感到不安,这是违反法律的。Actually he gained power in Rome mainly by military might, by kind of making the Senate nervous and winning a few battles, and that was against the law.