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套房配有蒸汽浴室。Steam suite with a bathroom.

我想在火车上预订一间套房。I'd like to reserve a roomette.

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基思回到了酒店套房。Keith returns to the hotel suite.

入住手续便捷,套房很可爱。Swift check-in, suite was lovely.

他分得了一户三室的套房。He was allotted a three-room flat.

我需要一个标准间和一个套房。I need a standard room and a suite.

公寓套房通常是大楼里的一个居住空间。A town house is a two-floor apartment.

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我要一间可以眺望湖景的套房。I'd like to take a suite with lake view.

他们住在705号套房,我来给他打电话。They are in suite 705. Let me phone him.

他们住在708号套房,我来给他打电话。They are in suite 708. Let me phone him.

这是晶华酒店的豪华套房。This is a deluxe suite in the Grand Regent.

总统套房另外还有些什么设施呢?What extras come with a presidential suite?

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想不想买套房来出租?Thinking about joining the buy-to-let boom ?

我们现在只剩下总统套房了。We only have executive suites available now.

你是一个时尚的后室或宽敞的套房?Are you after a stylish room or spacious suite?

那总统套房是多少美元一个晚上呢?And how much is a presidential suite for a night?

我想在火车上预订一间套房。I would like to reserve a roomette on this train.

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特勤处送帕默返回了酒店套房。Secret Service returns Palmer to the hotel suite.

空着的只有套房了。The only room available at the moment is a suite.

再过些年你这个套房是一定会升值的。Your suite will increase in value in later years.