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水是植物不可缺少的。Water is indispensable to plants.

不可缺少,就像太阳和烛光…Most quiet need, by sun and candle-light.

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遮雨板是任何屋面中不可缺少的一部分。An integral part of any roof is its flashing.

蔬菜是日常生活不可缺少的副食品。Vegetable is indispensable food for daily life.

巴布·马利是雷鬼乐不可缺少的灵魂人物。Bob Marley was the sine qua non of reggae music.

有什么变了,又有什么还是不可缺少的?What has changed and what has remained essential?

大蒜和姜是中式烹调不可缺少的。Garlic and ginger are essential for Chinese cooking.

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扬琴对我来说是生命中不可缺少的一部分。The dulcimer to me is in the life an essential part.

新鲜空气和干净的食物两者对我们是不可缺少的。Both fresh air and clean food are indispensable to us.

一小组不可缺少的人或事物。Found the book an indispensable quarry of information.

记著,忠心的敬拜应是你日程表上不可缺少的部分。Be sure that faithful worship is a part of your schedule.

它是注油工艺机械不可缺少的注油设备。It is a process oiling the machinery essential equipment.

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治疗至关重要,但是防病也同样不可缺少。Treatment is essential but so is protection from disease.

钳工是机械制造中不可缺少的工种。Benchwork is an indispensable machinery manufacturing job.

裁判工作是排球竞赛活动不可缺少的组成部分。The referee is an integral part in the volleyball contest.

沙生灌木的平茬是生长不可缺少的环节。Cutting sandy shrub is an indispensable step that it grows.

轮排索引是叙词表不可缺少的组成部分。Permated index is an important component part of thesaurus.

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波兰是欧洲这个管弦乐队中一个不可缺少的乐器。Poland was an instrument needed in the orchestra of Europe.

理论联系实际对我们是不可缺少的。The combination of theory with practice is essential to us.

对一个雕刻家来说,錾子和铁锤是不可缺少的工具。A chisel and a hammer are indispensable tools for a sculptor.