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他停住了,苦思冥想。The man paused, thinking.

她为那事苦思冥想。She tasked her mind with that.

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就为了一个镜头,导演苦思冥想了两天时间。The director noodled for two days for only one scene.

我苦思冥想怎么才能缩小“鞋号”。Anxiously I ponder the ways I might reduce my shoe size.

他为找出拯救病人生命的好方法而苦思冥想。He strained to look for a good method to save his patient.

苦思冥想不会在一夜之间奇迹般得消除你的压力。Meditation won’t miraculously erase your stress overnight.

教授运用他那出了名的脑袋苦思冥想,然而解不开难题。The professor racks his famous brain, but just can't crack the answer.

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现在,想一下要记住那次演讲很容易吗,还是需要苦思冥想才能记住?Now, was that easy to do, or did you really have to rack your brains to remember one?

她为了作文作业苦思冥想,已到了江郎才尽的地步。She had been at her wit's end trying to think up an idea for her composition assignment.

这不意味着你要苦思冥想--直接让面试官做个进一步的说明就行了。That doesn't mean you have to struggle -- just ask the interviewer for some clarification.

总而言之,我们不能宣称这三天的静修是在苦思冥想中度过的。In short we cannot claim that these days of our retirement were passed in ascetic meditation.

在一次物理考试时,当同学们都还在苦思冥想时,尼克很快就答好了第一个问题。Once in a physics examination, Nick finished the first question very soon, while his classmates

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那些対亏损苦思冥想的人総是失去下一个机会,而下一个机会很可能是个赢利的机会。Those who brood over losses always miss the next opportunity, which more than likely will be profitable.

你是否经常和你的团队苦思冥想一整天来更新公司的经营战略?Do you or your leadership team periodically sit through days-long meetings to update your strategic plan?

曾记得在一次做奥数习题时,被一道题难住了,苦思冥想了许久,还一头雾水。Remember when a do Olympic math problem, is a problem puzzled, meditation for a long time, still confused about.

任何曾经看到战场上垂死士兵闪烁目光的人,都将会在发动战争之前苦思冥想。Anyone who has ever looked into the glazed eyes of a soldier dying on the battlefield will think hard before starting a war.

美国可能首次遭遇评级下调,这一想法令策略师和分析师们苦思冥想可能带来的影响。The notion that the U.S. could be downgraded for the first time has strategists and analysts wrestling with what the impact might be.

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预见到会有亏损,雍容大度地接受亏损。那些对亏损苦思冥想的人总是失去下一个机会,而下一个机会很可能是个赢利的机会。Expect and accept losses gracefully. Those who brood over losses always miss the next opportunity, which more than likely will be profitable.

可能你也会有过这种经历,有时候,脑子里会突然冒出一些很好的想法,一下子就把苦思冥想的问题搞通了。You know sometimes you just have this idea that is so good that it takes your entire will power not to tell everyone the moment you think of it.

当一个预言失败了,算命大师会苦思冥想出一些解释,然后会推荐一种新的改良方法。When a prophecy failed, fortune-tellers would deal with their predicament by coming up with an explanation and then proposing a new, improved method.