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特雷福闭着眼,娓娓背诵,“维基百科如是说。”Trevor closed his eyes and recited. “Wikipedia.”

她似乎受过教育,直接就将自己的故事娓娓道来了。She seemed educated and told her story in a straightforward way.

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我的讲话一会儿是愤怒的鞭鞑,一会儿是娓娓的劝说。My voice alternately lashed out in rage and purred in soft persuasion.

娓娓情声爱语,爱意浓浓,无人耳闻,唯苍天聆听。相敬相爱的誓言,爱到生命的极限。Speak softly love so no one hears us but the sky, The vows of love we make will live until we die.

虽然没有一句对白,但镜头已经将一位母亲对子女恪守承诺的精神娓娓道来了。Without any dialogue the shots tell a gripping story about a mother’s commitment to her offspring.

参观完毕,有管理员娓娓介绍博物馆的境况,来宾就一杯接一杯地啜饮甜茶。After the tour, a curator quietly describes the museum's plight while her guests sip yet more sweet tea.

我们只是希望能给你娓娓的讲个故事,邀请你到我们的梦里面去——我祝愿你能感受我们梦的颜色。We only wish to share a story, and invite you into our dreams – I trust you will experience its wonders too.

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小说通篇以第一人称娓娓述说着奈保尔的发现以及他不断变化的人生观。With the first-person narration, it expresses Naipaul's discoveries and changing views about life in Britain.

罗瑞特一边摇动着酒杯,一边娓娓到来法国的光荣史,瑞银的银行家们奉承着他们多金的客人们。As the wine flowed and Mr. Loyrette spoke of the glories of France, UBS bankers courted their affluent guests.

古兰经娓娓动人地提到,那些基督教僧侣说他们在这里看到上帝的真实之后眼角洋溢泪花。The Quran speaks affectionately of Christian monks, saying their eyes brim with tears at the recognition of God's truth.

秋雨倚着山,倚着屋檐及树木在娓娓诉说春恋之情。Autumn leaned against the mountain, leaned against the roof and the trees in the spring of love tirelessly to tell the sentiment.

两根故事线,一人人子人的离合悲欢,就如许交错堆叠地,从作者笔下娓娓流出。" Two root story line, a large family of joys and sorrows. there so intertwined overlap land, from the author"s eloquence outflow.

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然后,当用户在任意电脑上登录在线媒体播放器,他们就可以直接听到从家里电脑娓娓传来的音乐。Then, when that same user logs into Streampad from another computer, they can listen to music streamed directly from their home computer.

医生穿着白大褂,用令人宽慰的语调讲述着,口中关心的话语和医术秘诀皆娓娓然,如果他们告诉你药片会使你好起来,那就会好起来。Doctors wore white coats, spoke in soothing tones, exuding confidence and medical know-how, and if they told you a pill would make you better, it would.

影片改编自尼高拉斯史派克的畅销小说,故事开首是一间安老院,一位老先生正跟一名老妇娓娓道出笔记簿里的故事。Based on a bestseller by Nicholas Sparks, it begins in the present with an old man reading a story from a notebook to an old lady in a home for the elderly.

妈妈娓娓跟我们引述新约章节的时候,阿尧撞开窗伸手出去抓花吃。As Mama slowly read passages from the New Testament, Ah Yao pushed open the window and grabbed some of the flowers to eat. Cold air rushed in, a spring chill.

分布在各展示点的多媒体、效果音响、馆内投影机,娓娓道来二、三十年代上海中产阶级人家的石库门生活。Other multi-media instruments such as the stereo system and projector have additionally been installed to give colour to the life of this middle class family.

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在私秘的情怀中娓娓溢出,淡化了反抗,强迫与顺从的冲突,和那些隐藏在作品中的言外之意。Life is but a sojourn in destiny , spilling out of the private feelings, damping rebellion and the conflict between force and compliance, as well as all the meaning between the lines.

他一开始又想以字斟句酌式的措辞对议员们的询问娓娓作答,这种应答方式当年曾使他显得那么游刃有余,但议员们却不理他这套,他们为了能在有限的提问时间内对格林斯潘发起更猛烈的攻击,粗暴地打断他的话。He would begin meandering responses in the elaborate phraseology that once served him so well, only to be cut off as lawmakers sought to use their brief question time for sharper attacks.

这天他的灰色眼瞳严厉无情,怎麽看也不像是那个会在风雪夜里端坐火炉前,娓娓细述远古英雄时代和森林之子故事的人。He had a grim cast to his grey eyes this day, and he seemed not at all the man who would sit before the fire in the evening and talk softly of the age of heroes and the children of the forest.