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本文初步探讨了辩证逻辑有关的一些问题。This article presents the ABC on some of the dialectical logic problems.

马克思批判了黑格尔的辩证逻辑的体系,创立了唯物辩证法。Marx criticized the system of Hegel's dialectical logic and founded materialist dialectics.

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正是出于与前述政党同样的原因,黑格尔意义上的辩证逻辑在今天已经饱和了。For the same reason as for the party, dialectical logic in the Hegelian sense is saturated today.

辩证逻辑的研究重心究竟是什么,这是关于辩证逻辑发展的一个关键问题。What's the research core of dialectic logic on earth? It is a key question about how to develop it.

马克思关于辩证思维形式的思想是其辩证逻辑思想的组成部分。Karl Marx's ideas on the form of dialectical thinking is a composite part of his ideas of dialectical logic.

辩证逻辑是自然辩证法的摹本。在科学实验的基础上提出确定过程突变的系统方法。On the basis of scientific experiment, a system method of determining on process of sudden change was proposed.

辩证逻辑的对象是研究思维的内在矛盾的形式与规律的科学。The object dialectical logic is a science that studies the form and law of the inner contradictions of thinking.

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辩证逻辑要真正成为逻辑,必须形式化,而形式化必须遵守形式化的“游戏规则”。The formalization of dialectic logic is the premise of its being true logic, which needs the observation of game rules.

辩证逻辑是关于辩证思维形式及其规律的科学,与普通逻辑的研究对象有所不同,是逻辑科学发展的高级阶段。Dialectical logic which is different from general logic is a science about dialectical stage of the development of logic science.

它的本质在于用形式逻辑的方法处理辩证逻辑问题。本文指出逻辑循环和所谓“逆演绎”在建立公理系统中的合理性。The paper points to the justification of the logic cycle and so called "anti-deduction" in the establishment of a axiomatical system.

从根本上、从辩证逻辑角度来阐明马克思逻辑与历史统一理论在马克思哲学中的地位和作用,主要从以下两个方面来阐述。This part will illustrate the theory's role and position mainly from the angle of essence and the point of view of dialectics and logic.

人类思维的发展大致经历了三个基本阶段,即形式逻辑、辩证逻辑、模糊逻辑。The development of human thought mainly experiences three stages, namely, the formal logic, the dialectical logic, and the obscure logic.

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对应于人类历史活动的辩证逻辑,高素质的人才就是科学理性与审美直觉完美汇聚一体的人。In the light of the dialectical logic, a talent with high quality is the one who embodies the combination between rational sense and aesthetic intuition.

经典逻辑、现代逻辑各分支和辩证逻辑所揭示的思维形式、思维方法、思维规律对语言学研究有不同的思维导向作用。In this connection, classic logic, modern logic and dialectical logic can all be of use and should therefore be taken into consideration in the research process.

形式逻辑提出概念的内涵和外延之间具有反变关系,辩证逻辑则认为概念的内涵和外延之间还有正变关系。Formal logic proposed the relation of inverse proportion between the intension and extension of the concept, but Dialectical logic proposed the direct proportion one.

从辩证逻辑、形式逻辑、电流源模型和电压源模型等方面,阐明半导体限流猜想是不正确的。From the points of view of dialectical logic, formal logic current and voltage source models, this paper addresses that the current limiting conjecture is not correct.

本文站在辩证逻辑思维高度上,从普遍性和特殊性两方面对旅游本质进行探析,把旅游本质的研究推向一个新的层面。This paper analyses the essence of tourism from generality to peculiarity, some valuable viewpoints being posed, thus providing a new approach to the essence of tourism.

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首先,任何一个肤浅的答案都会遗漏掉这段经历的核心,即对患病这件事复杂的辩证逻辑,这既是社会状况也是身体状况。To begin with, that any glib answer to the question misses the core of the experience – the complex dialectic of being ill, which is a social as well as physical condition.

中国哲学的基本精神大体上可以概括为自强不息、实事求是、辩证逻辑、以人为本、内在超越、有容乃大等六点。Its basic spirit is constantly striving to become stronger, seeking the truth from facts, dialectical logic, man orientation, inherent transcendence, greatness out of generosity.

逻辑研究应提倡兼容,数理逻辑、自然语言逻辑、归纳逻辑、辩证逻辑、法律逻辑等等可以共同存在、共同发展。We shall study and develop all the subjects of logical system, not only the mathematical logic but also logic of natural language, inductive logic, dialectical logic and logic in law.