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频振诱杀灯对二化螟成虫也有一定的诱杀作用。High frequency lights also had good attract effect to the moths.

物理防治利用黄板诱杀蚜虫,黑光灯诱杀蛾类。Physical control by yellow trap aphids, black light trapping moth.

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诱杀蚊子是预防疟疾的一种新招法。The bait-and-kill strategy is a new one in malaria prevention efforts.

其它防治措施可采用黑光灯诱杀、人工捕捉。The other measures are using black light lamp and artificial catching.

另外一些人则认为,他是被政府军诱杀的。Others claimed he was killed after being tricked into turning himself in.

方法采用击倒法、抗蛀蚀与野外诱杀法。Methods Knocking down, anti-bore experiment and field experiment were applied.

主动吸引诱杀蚊子,灭蚊效果极佳。Initiative to attract trap and kill mosquitoes, mosquito control with excellent results.

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进行了“巴克星”光电生物灭虫器对有机蔬菜田主要害虫的诱杀效果试验。This paper reported the killing effect of "BuckStar" insects extinguisher on main insect of vegetables.

方法有诱杀、浇灌杀蚁以及土壤、肥料处理等几种。The methods are to trap and kill, pour and kill, dispose of the soil and fertilizer with pesticide, etc.

试验为黄板诱杀斑潜蝇的设置技术提供了依据。The experiment provides the base for design of setting yellow templates in the control of vegetable leaf miner.

辣椒素对地下害虫有显著诱杀作用,蛋白高、营养足。The capsaicin has to the soil insect obviously lures and kills the function, the protein is high, nutrition foot.

也可以精准、有效的诱杀遗传性卵巢癌细胞,并产生遗传性卵巢癌抗体。Can also be precise and effective traps, and produce genetic ovarian cancer cells genetic ovarian cancer antibodies.

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在传媒天牛羽化期,在发病林分每隔1000米设置一个诱捕器,诱杀松褐天牛成虫。In the media, in the period from sawyer stand every 1000 meters set a the trap, loose sawyer brown collected the adults.

白蚁防治措施包括物理措施和化学措施,其中诱杀法不仅简便易行,而且成本低、效果好。Of which, trap is the best measure for termite control in economic forest because of easy operation, low cost and high effi.

在黑龙江省尚志市和方正县对应用二化螟性诱剂诱杀雄性二化螟成虫进行了试验。Experiment of the effect of sex attractant on rice stem borer was conducted in Shangzhi and Fangzheng of Heilongjiang province.

近年来,以佳多频振式杀虫灯为代表的灯光诱杀器械,其技术性能得到较大改进和提高。In recent years, The performances of light traps represented by Jiaduo Frequency Trembler Grid Lamps have been greatly improved.

新技术大大减少农药使用量,降低农药污染,农户不花钱就能有效诱杀虫害。New technology greatly reducing pesticides, reduce pollution, pesticide can effectively farmers not to spend money collected pests.

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是一种结构简单、使用方便、安全可靠、价格低廉,便于普及推广的昆虫诱杀诱捕器。Is a kind of simple structure, easy to use, safe and reliable, the price is cheap, easy to popularize collected the trap of insects.

英雄们能否顺利透过内有滑动门、设有诱杀装置的楼梯以及法老王墓穴的迷宫,逃离木乃伊的魔爪?Can the heroes navigate the maze of sliding doors, booby-trapped stairs and the Pharaoh's tomb to escape the clutches of the mummies?

马克斯设圈套诱杀了卡锡上校派来的杀手,登上了油轮,但却被抓住带到了卡锡上校面前。Max lay traps the traps of tin colonel sent CARDS and boarded a tanker killer, but being caught brought to the card before solder colonel.