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祝贺塞娜,夺取金牌吧。Congrats Saina. Go for Gold.

他们会使用武力夺取吗?Would they take it with force?

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夺取了政权。Wrested power from the monarchy.

他们的军队耀武扬威的夺取了政权。Their troops goose-stepped into power.

就像何时山猫队能夺取了总冠军一样。As in, when the Bobcats win a championship.

尤文必须要变强,必须始终把夺取冠军作为自己的目标。Juve have to be strong and aim for the top.

他冀图夺取政权的野心已经路人皆知了。His ambition to seize power is known to all.

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这名字确实夺取了人们的注意。The name certainly grabs people’s attention.

他无法从较弱的一方中夺取心爱的女人。And he cannot steal a woman off a weaker man.

政变密谋者试图夺取莫斯科的政权。Coup plotters tried to seize power in Moscow.

徐茂山则胸有成竹表示定能夺取山头。XuMaoShan is in the bag says it can take cap.

她从弟弟手中夺取玩具。She wrested the will from her brother's hands.

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我们不能让他们夺取制空权!We can't let them take control of the airspace!

他们上周从敌人手里夺取了这个城市。They captured this city from the enemy last week.

我们曾四次夺取世界杯冠军,我们不会嫉妒其他任何球队。We have won four World Cups and don't envy anyone.

在夺取冠军上,我们和慧星队积分相同。We were tied with the Comets for the championship.

卡扎菲以铁腕手段统治利比亚达42年之久,这位机智的领导人在1969年发动不流血的政变夺取政权,将当时的国王伊德里斯赶下台。Gadhafi ruled Libya with an iron fist for 42 years.

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我本来不该让他偷偷夺取开始的一墩黑桃牌。I shouldn't have let him steal an early spade trick.

在夺取了圣拉埃以后,战事形成了相持不下的局面。After the taking of La Haie-Sainte the battle wavered.

用棋力夺取和控制开放线和开放斜线。Seize and control open files and diagonals with pieces.