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安妮·博林于1536年被斩首。Anne boleyn was beheaded in1536.

他因叛国罪被斩首。He was beheaded for high treason.

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他下令将两个队长斩首。He ordered to behead the two leaders.

斩首和断肢行为极为普遍。Beheadings and mutilations are common.

达吉斯坦斩首可以追溯到1999年。Dagestan Beheading dates back to 1999.

巴基斯坦武装分子公布了一段视频,内容是一名五个月前遭到绑架的波兰地质学家被斩首杀害。Polish man beheaded in Pakistani militant video

亨利八世下令将安波林斩首。Henry VIII gave the order to behead Anne Boleyn.

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施洗约翰也尽忠,下场却是被斩首。John the Baptist was faithful, but he was beheaded.

即使已经被斩首了,四肢也依然会回缩Your limbs will pull back even if your head is gone.

斩首示众这件事,我认为是很有问题的。I think that beheading in the market is not a proper policy.

把苏格兰女王玛丽斩首是弑君行为。The beheading of Mary Queen of Scots was an act of regicide.

地方官员透露其中一些受害者被肢解和斩首。Local officials say some victims were mutilated and beheaded.

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如果他失败,帕尔帕丁威胁要对这位元帅处以斩首。If he failed, Palpatine threatened to behead the Grand Admiral.

一个人被斩首后仍然能有15-20秒的清醒意识。A human head stays consciousfor 15-20 seconds after decapitation.

而后1536年,亨利以通奸罪将安妮斩首。Then in 1536, the king had Anne beheaded on a charge of adultery.

其他的受害者有的被溺死、被斩首、被焚烧或者被从高外摔下来。Other victims were drowned, beheaded, burned or dropped from heights.

生则斩首,死则鞭尸,发其至痛,无所择也。Birth and death are beheaded body, while the whip and pain, no choices.

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落入亚马逊人之手的战俘通常会被斩首。Captives who fell into the hands of the Amazons were often decapitated.

官方录像显示被绞索斩首。Official video of the hanging shows Barzan being beheaded by the noose.

他的喉咙血淋淋的,刀口很深,几乎都要被斩首了。His bloody throat had been cut so deeply that he was nearly decapitated.