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一支护航舰队被炮火击中。A convoy was hit by gunfire.

炮火要横飞多久。Es must the cannon balls fly.

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有可能是敌人的炮火。It could have been enemy fire.

我们部队被敌人炮火封锁了。Our troops was beset by enemy fire.

士兵们用炮火攻下城堡。Castle La Roque awaits its soldiers.

用防空炮火塞满整个天空!Fill the sky with antiaircraft fire!

炮火掩护着我们。The artillery gave us covering fire.

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炮火猛烈袭击敌人的堡垒。The guns bore upon the enemy's forts.

第二波炮火就准确砸在目标上了。The next salvos were right on target.

炮火从各个方向向他袭来。Fires encroaching on it from all sides.

实战炮火演习结束了。谢谢上帝。The live-fire drill is over. Thank God.

他们用炮火击退了敌人。They threw the enemy back with gunfire.

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炮火要横飞多久。How many times must the cannonballs fly.

也有几个人遭到猛烈的炮火。A few got involved in furious firefights.

敌人炮火轰击城堡的围墙。Enemy fire battered the walls of the fort.

海军用炮火牵制敌人。The navy tied the enemy down with gunfire.

四型炮比旧式三型炮火力更猛。The Mark4 gun is stronger than the old M-3.

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敌人炮兵集中炮火于那个十字路口。An enemy battery zeroed in on the crossroad.

新战士在炮火下表现得很勇敢。The new fighters behave gallantly under fire.

士兵们在猛烈的炮火下犹豫不前。The soldiers staggered under the severe gunfire.