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他们用牛来拉农具。They use oxen to pull farm equipment.

农民把农具收藏在小屋里。The farmer housed farm tools in a shed.

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开荒没有农具怎么办?Open up wasteland without tools how to do?

他们订购了大量农具。They ordered quantities of farm implements.

他仍将教怎样修农具。They will teach us how to repair farm tools.

库房里堆放着许多农具。A lot of farm tools are piled in the storehouse.

梨和打谷机都是农具。Plows and threshing machines are farm implements.

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昨天晚上我除了修理农具外,没有做其他事情。Last night I did nothing but repair my farm tools.

修好农具准备春耕。Repair farm tools to prepare for spring ploughing.

当我到达那里时,我发现他正在修理农具。宾语。When I got there, I found him repairing farm tools.

昨天晚上我除了修理农具外,没有做别的事。Last evening I did nothing but repair my farm tools.

最初是作为一双截棍殴打杂草农具。Nunchucks originated as a farm tool for beating weeds.

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保罗·克鲁克与工友在农具厂Paul Crook with fellow workers at farm implements factory

新式农具既轻巧,又出活。The improved farm tools are efficient as well as easy to handle.

盖伯瑞尔卖掉了他所有的农具,为的是付他买羊所欠的钱。Gabriel sold all his farm tools to pay what he owed for the sheep.

鸡舍内不得留有任何农具、杂物和垃圾。No farm equipment, sundries or garbage should be left inside the sheds.

一部分贫农有比较充足的农具和相当数量的资金。One category has comparatively adequate farm implements and some funds.

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猪已经把农具室当作他们的总指挥部了。The pigs had set aside the harness-room as a headquarters for themselves.

其中有古董、艺术品、农具、自制食品等,甚至还有猫和狗。They included antiques, art, farm tools, home-made food, even cats and dogs.

这家社办工厂生产的各种各样的农具。This commune run factory turns out various kinds of agricultural implements.