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去矿化继续,釉质开始崩解,一旦釉质受到破坏,牙齿将不可自行修复。Demineralization continues. Enamel starts to break down.

磷灰石是牙齿釉质和骨矿的主要成分。One form of apatite is a major element in tooth enamel and bone mineral.

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成釉细胞生成釉质覆盖在牙齿表面使牙齿成为最坚硬的组织。Teeth are the hardest tissues covered with enamel produced by ameloblasts.

PAX9参与牙本质和釉质的生物矿化过程。PAX9 is involved in the biomineralization process of the dentine and enamel.

釉质是羟磷灰石晶体有序排列而成的人体特殊的硬组织。Dental enamel is composed of hydroxyapatite crystals which arrange regularly.

方法采用实验室研究,分别用三种制剂处理表面脱矿釉质。Method The decalcified enamel was treated with the three agents respectively.

当龋坏扩散破坏到釉质下方,就进入了牙本质。The decay reaches into the dentin, where it can spread and undermine the enamel.

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这种瓷的釉质透明如水,胎体质薄轻巧。The glaze of blue and white porcelain is transparent and the base is thin and light.

此壶造型圆润饱满,釉质润泽,为晚唐越窑的代表作品。This pot full rounded shape, moist enamel for the Late Tang Yue representative works.

首先,氟能够使你牙齿的釉质更坚固,同时降低酸性的腐蚀程度。First, fluoride makes your tooth enamel stronger and less likely to suffer acid damage.

这些结果意味着,等离子没有产生在釉质表面不被接受的影响。These results mean that plasma have not produced unaccepted influence in enamel surface.

发育畸形常见的为釉质发育不全,斑釉牙及过小牙等。Development deformation is enamel commonly depauperate, spot glair tooth and too small tooth.

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目的测试分析新型光固化正畸釉质粘接剂的细胞生物相容性。Objective To investigate the biocompatibility of a new light-cured composite enamel adhesive.

待矫治结束拆除矫治装置后观察釉质脱矿的发生情况。After the fixed orthodontics was over, the occurrence of enamel demineralization was observed.

釉质去除组,邻面进行釉质的去除,未进行抛光和再矿化处理。In Group B, interproximal enamel reduction was made, but no polishing and remineralize treatment.

溶解度研究发现发育不全的釉质溶解度大,且达到平衡的时间短。It took shorter time for the hypoplastic enamel powder to attain an equilibrium than the normal did.

要求牙冠表面釉质完好,无龋坏、无裂纹、非四环素牙、非氟斑牙。Teeth with hypoplastic areas, crack, tetracycline or fluorotic of the enamel structure were excluded.

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五倍子通过作用于釉质有机质达到抑制釉质脱矿的作用。Chinese nutgall shows the effect of inhibiting enamel demineralization through acting on enamel matrix.

为探讨中华鼢鼠、甘肃鼢鼠和斯氏鼢鼠的分类地位,对它们牙齿釉质的超微结构做了分析比较。Microstructure of enamel in the common Chinese zokor , Gansu zokor and Smith′s zokor was compared here.

目的观察应用釉质成形术结合窝沟封闭术预防窝沟龋的效果。Objective Angioplasty observe the enamel pit and fissure caries with sealant to prevent the effects of.