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我拿到文凭了。I got the diploma.

升级你的文凭。Upgrade your credentials.

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我有大学文凭。S-I have a college education.

你有大学文凭吗?Have you got University Diploma?

他骄傲地夸示他的毕业文凭。He proudly displayed his diploma.

为什么我们要对他文凭纠缠不休?Why should we dwell so much on his diploma?

文凭或学位作坊总是以多种伪装的形式出现。Diploma or degree mills come in many guises.

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公司全部员工持有大本以上文凭。All staffs in EWA are with university degree.

诺兰对新的文凭持保留态度。Nolan has reservations about the new diplomas.

你打算什么时候拿到硕士文凭。When are you going to acquire the master degree?

所以我就上了社区大学,再次考了文凭。so I went to community college, got my g's again

大学文凭并不意味着你受完教育了。A college diploma does not mean you are educated.

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你说的是理学硕士的文凭?"Yes. A Masters in Super Cheating, " he answered.

拿到文凭等所有证书。and I'm going to get my credential and everything.

尽管他有大学文凭,一位笨蛋,仍然是笨蛋。Despite his college degree, a clod is still a clod.

很多民办学校沦为文凭工厂。Many private universities are simply diploma mills.

当然,假文凭或虚报学历的情形并非中国独占。To be sure, fake or credentials aren't unique to China.

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我此刻就读于香港岭南大学的文凭课程。I am studying at Lingnan University diploma courses now.

我现在就读于香港岭南大学的文凭课程。I am studying at Lingnan University diploma courses now.

国际中学文凭同样为本地大学认可的大学入学资格。IB is also a valid qualification for non-JUPAS admission.