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你总是退避三舍吗?Do you always back off?

虽然人们都对他退避三舍,但是狗却乐于和他结伴。People avoided him, but the dogs hung out with him.

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他说女孩子的父亲都因他的事业对他退避三舍。He says prospective fathers-in-law are put off by his career.

明智在于懂得何时应退避三舍,何时应迎难而上。Wisdom consists in learning when to evade and when to oppose head-on.

没有人真的会怀疑国际商用机器公司将会在甚嚣尘上的竞争中退避三舍。Nobody would really doubt that IBM will leave the competition in the dust.

每当收听美国运动赛事的解说时,英国体育迷们有时会想退避三舍。English sports fans sometimes cringe when they hear commentary on US sports.

原来那些令人讨厌的习惯和坏脾气似乎都退避三舍。The annoying habits and bad character traits seem to recede into the background.

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在荆棘路前,看着条条荆棘,不免退避三舍之感油然而生。Thorny Road in the former, looking at every thorns, can not avoid a sense of felt.

即使是乐于助人的人,见到杰克那副阿谀奉承的笑脸,也要退避三舍。Even well-disposed people back away from Jack when they see that ingratiating smile.

但近来,随着惊恐万状的投资者对交易退避三舍,信贷市场也陷入了困境。But lately, credit markets have been hobbled as fearful investors back away from trading.

冰激凌是夏日里给人酷爽感觉且令人心满意足的款待,但是一天一勺的量就足以让比基尼退避三舍。Ice cream is a cool, satisfying summer treat, but a scoop a day can keep the bikini away.

须臾之际,我们会略作狂想,但是一旦要给这样一个离奇幻物填充大量细节,则退避三舍。We can give it a momentary thought, but we balk at filling in much detail on so whimsical a fantasy.

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普特洛克勒斯,如果你能穿上他的盔甲,也许能令特洛伊人望而生畏、退避三舍。If you, Patroclus, could be in his armor, and perhaps the very sight of it may drive back the Trojans.

应主动表示友好,这样做才是有益和实用的,在退避三舍和锋芒之间有一块中间地带,不妨一试。Only showing friendliness is helpful and practical. There's something between avoiding and attacking. Have a try.

反之,大家对你退避三舍、甚至与你抗衡,你无论花上多大的代价,却是寸步难行的。On the other hand, we avoid you, and even against you, you have to spend no matter how great a price, but the step.

约翰解释说橘黄色的羊群更加惹眼且易于分辨,会让盗贼们退避三舍。John said orange sheep are highly visible and easily distinguishable that the criminals are giving them a wide berth.

男人们也许不再坚持他们的新娘必须是处女,但对一个众人皆知的乱搞男女关系的姑娘,却依然退避三舍。Men may not insist that their bride is a virgin any longer but they'll still avoid a girl who is known to have slept around.

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据说狂暴的克雷特龙会曾造成可怕的破坏与屠杀,因此甚至连凶猛的塔斯肯袭击者听到这种声音后都退避三舍。Even fierce Tusken Raiders flee at this sound, as frenzied dragons have been known to unleash terrible destruction and carnage.

他可能变得更开明、更温柔,不再因为恐惧被爱他的人吞噬灵魂而退避三舍。He might become more open and affectionate, not withholding himself from anyone who loves him on the fear that she will eat his soul.

当主题是达尔文主义时,在科学论述中经常运用的怀疑方法论就退避三舍了。The methodological scepticism that characterises most areas of scientific discourse seems strikingly absent when Darwinism is the topic.