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该市曾遭受过原子弹的轰炸。The city was hit by an atomic bomb.

他画了原子弹头模型的草图。He drafted the model of the atomic warhead.

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所谓历史,就是从原始人到原子弹的短途游。History is the short trudge from Adam to atom.

但原子弹并没有彻底消除战争的可能性。However, it hasn't eliminated the possibility.

殷切希望韩国早日遭到原子弹的轰炸!!!I hope South Korea was bombed by A-bomb ASAP! ! !

原子弹爆炸和福岛核泄漏危机关联甚少Little Connection Between Bombings And Fukushima Disaster

是数学家破解了日军的密码,发明了原子弹。Mathematicians broke the Japanese codes and built A-bomb.

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我知道原子弹以百万吨级计。I know that nuclear bombs are measured in terms of megatons.

这让人一见难忘的设计看起来就像原子弹爆炸后的蘑菇云。Memorable table lamp designed to look like a Mushroom Cloud.

杜鲁门大言不惭地说,原子弹是“历史上最伟大的东西”。The bomb "is the greatest thing in history, " Truman boated.

在震源和原子弹圆顶可见顶部中心。The hypocenter and Atom Bomb Dome are visible at top center.

原子弹爆炸的蘑云再度笼罩在沙漠的上空。The mushroom cloud of the A-bomb hung over the desert again.

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其中一个“猎户星”项目,由原子弹提供能量。One, Project Orion, would have been powered by nuclear bombs.

女人一旦绝情,比原子弹更具有摧毁性。A woman once unfeeling, more destructive than the atomic bomb.

Kihara的父母和姊妹是原子弹的幸存者。Kihara's parents and siblings are survivors of the atomic bomb.

就目前估计,巴基斯坦已经储有大约200枚原子弹。Pakistan is currently estimated to have about 200 atomic bombs.

落在广岛的原子弹产生出二万吨的当量。The atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima had a yield of20 kilotons.

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吉姆憎恶国王并且有一天他用原子弹轰炸了国王的住所。He abominated the king and one day he a-bombed the king's abode.

1949年8月,苏联第一次引爆了原子弹,打破了美国的核垄断。In August 1949, the Soviet Union exploded its first atomic bomb.

在这一总方针的指导下,原子弹方面的研究开始了。Under that general policy, research on the atomic bomb was begun.