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我们都可以上路了。We both can go.

我们驱马慢跑开始上路。We set off at a canter.

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我们可能该上路了吧?We should probably hit the road.

而是送钱让他上路。It's sending him along with money.

我希望你吃得饱饱的再上路。I want you to go on a full stomach.

他套好车又上路了。He hooked up and hit the road again.

下一站是锦上路。The next station is Kam Sheung Road.

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古尔说,指着向上路。Gur said, pointing out toward the road.

他一上路我就看见他了。The ghastly sight gave him the shudders.

在某一刻,你的内心告诉自己得上路了。At some point, your gut tells you to launch.

该是像杰克凯洛亚克一样上路的时候了。It's time to be on he road like Jack Kerouac.

今天,周一,那么就该轮到车牌尾号是奇数的车辆上路了。Today, Monday, it is the turn of the odd numbers.

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在一个清新凉爽的周六早晨,我们上路了。On a crisp, cool Saturday morning we hit the trail.

同学们拿着铁锨、水桶和小树苗上路了。We brought some spades, pails and saplings with us.

每天早晨拿上一两袋杂粮团,外加一个旅行杯装的脱脂牛奶就可以轻松上路了!Grab a couple with a travel cup of skim milk and go!

我得上路了。明儿还要忙一整天呢。I've got to hit the road. I have a long day tomorrow.

找一个特别的人去旅行吧,或者干脆一个人上路。Plan a trip with one special person or no one at all.

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那些旅者在维也纳待了一晚后又再度出发上路。The travelers set out again after one night in Vienna.

一般出门上路,都会穿长袖的衣服。They always put on long-sleeve clothes when going out.

她背起帆布背包就上路了。She shouldered her rucksack and set off along the road.