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光纤传感器在土木工程中的应用。Fiber optic sensors in the Waterbury Bridge.

这个水平可能与土木工程和桥梁学,一百年前的研究水平相同We're maybe where civil engineering and bridge building was 100 years ago.

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巨石阵无疑是5000年前的一项巨大的土木工程。Stonehenge is believed to be a large earthwork constructed about 5000 years ago.

当前我国居民之间的土木工程经济论文收入差距呈不断扩大的趋势。At present, the gap of income between inhabitants in our country is assuming larger and larger.

对某校土木工程实验中心的反力墙实验系统进行了静力有限元分析。The experimental system of reacting-force wall and test-bed was analyzed by static finite element method.

软弱地基中桩筏基础的研究一直是岩土工程中的一个重要课题,也是土木工程设计的一项关键技术。The behavior of pile raft foundation in soft soil is a very important problem in geotechnical engineering.

普林斯顿大学工程学毕业生,我是罗拉·弗里斯,是普林斯顿83级毕业生,专业是土木工程及运营研究。Engineering After Princeton My name is Laura Forese. I'm class of 83, civil engineering and operations research.

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同时,对盾构法施工与土木工程接口结合自身体会做了分析。The thesis, with its discuss and study of the aspect, makes reference for future EPB shield driven construction.

在欧美等先进国家经历多年之努力,土木工程非破坏检测技术之发展已有相当成果。With many year's efforts, development of the NDT techniques reaches considerable achievement in Europe and in America.

研究室承担同济大学土木工程专业本科生部分教学工作,同时培养桥梁工程专业硕士研究生和博士研究生。We also undertake the educational work for the doctorial students and graduate students of department of bridge engineering.

盐灌船闸上游引航道施工现场,运用植物或许植物与土木工程相结合。The construction site of the upper reaches of the upper reaches of the salt lock is used in combination with plants and plants.

学土木工程的老爸按呢讲,伊足想欲请老母教伊弹琴,毋过母亲的致重拢囥伫阮的身躯顶。According to my engineer father he wanted mother to teach him to play the piano, but mother's focus was always on me and my brother.

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故在土木工程领域,红外热像检测技术的应用不像在其它产业部分那样普遍。This thesis researches into the theory of applying the infrared thermographic inspection technology to detecting faults in concrete.

土木工程系现有26名教师,其中教授5名、副教授9名,高级实验师1名。At present time, the department has 26 teachers, among which there are 5 professors, 9 associate professors, 1 advanced experimenter.

申请人限明新科技大学土木工程或环境资源管理系之大学部学生或研究所研究生。Applicants must be an undergraduate or graduate student currently registered full-time at Minghsin University of Science and Technology.

本条例所称建设工程,是指土木工程、建筑工程、线路管道和设备安装工程及装修工程。American-style villa in the construction has been completed at the same time the basic decoration works and equipment installation works.

以长安大学公路工程专业为例,分析目前工科院校土木工程类专业毕业设计在教学工作中普遍存在的问题。The frequent questions at present which exist in graduation design teaching in major of engineering in Changan University are analyzed as an example.

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本文介绍了经交科院研发的土木工程毕业论文新型环保隔音隔离墙的特点及应用范围。Characteristic and application of a new type environmental acoustic barrier developed by Hunan Communications Science Research Institute is introduced.

观察结构内部真实裂纹的产生、传播以及确定内部任意位置的微观应力场一直是土木工程领域一个难题。However, it is difficult to detect the occurance and propagation of micro-crack inside structures and determine the micro-stress field at each location.

尽管这些国家接受了更多的国际援助,但是当地缺乏足够的能力为卫生事业来开发可持续发展的土木工程项目。Davis says that, despite receiving more international aid, there is not enough local capacity to develop sustainable engineering projects for sanitation.