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任何人都可以就任何事做出预测。Anybody can predict anything.

苏哈喘了口气,“任何事?”Suha caught her breath. “Anything?”

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无论何地,无论何事,享受每一天。Wherever, Whatever, Have a nice day.

你们却说,你在何事上爱我们呢。Yet ye say, Wherein hast thou loved us?

何事王孙不早归,寂寞秋千月。Wherein Sun-late return, lonely swing month.

你们却说,我们在何事上藐视你的名呢?And ye say, Wherein have we despised thy name?

葡萄数与两只老鹰的比喻是预表何事?What does the parable of a vine tree with two eagles represent?

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而对于印度,无论何事它都不回落后于这个亚洲对手太多。As for India, it never likes to be too far behind its Asian rival.

如果奥尔特有某个人认为我是同性恋,又关数字何事呢?What did numbers care if everyone at Ault thought I was a lesbian?

为消除石棉相关疾病,世卫组织在做何事?What WHO is doing for the elimination of asbestos-related diseases?

河畔青芜堤上柳,为问新愁,何事年年有?Thee riverside grass and willow trees, ask new worry, what every year?

无论你从何事上安息,它们就被盖上“属天”的印记。" Whatever you rest from becomes stamped with the label "heaven-bound.

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你的经历,就是你到过何处和做过何事的记录。Your history is a record of where you have been and what you have done.

三人来到二贤庄叫卖,一个老管家出来喝问何事。Three people came to the village two peddle, a HeWen nose ring out what.

不要为明日自夸,因为一日要生何事,你尚且不能知道。Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring forth.

你们将污秽的食物献在我的坛上,且说,我们在何事上污秽你呢。You place defiled food on my altar. "But you ask, 'How have we defiled you?'

他说无论因何事耽延,都是在冒险,所以想让你同他尽快把时间定下来。He says any delay is hazardous, so you should let him schedule as soon as you possibly can.

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人在何事上得以知道我和你的百姓在你眼前蒙恩呢?How will anyone know that you are pleased with me and with your people unless you go with us?

加拿大驻华大使罗岚先生和市委宣传部部长何事忠先生出席开幕式。He Shizhong, Minister of Publicity Department attended the opening ceremony of the exhibition.

我们常常不理会第六感,但其实第六感总会知道我们该去向何方、该做些何事。So often we shut off our sixth sense. It often knows where we should go and what we should do.