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水稻病害的侵染会导致减产甚至绝收。Rice bacterial blight and Rice blast are the most important rice disease.

2004年以后成灾面积实际为绝收面积。The data of area affected is actually the date of area affected absolutely in 2004.

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染病的植物能结出小而畸形的果实,并且最后将完全绝收。Infected plants produce small, abnormal fruit. Finally, they stop producing completely.

“如果我们因干旱或洪水而全部作物绝收,”他说,“我至少还能重新种自己的地。”"If we have total crop failure from drought or floods, " he says, "I can at least plant my fields again."

村民们决定了,他们不能只是等着让庄稼绝收,让孩子们变得虚弱。The villagers decided that they couldn't just wait to see the crops failing and the children getting weak.

在大雪覆盖下,农作物几乎已经绝收,逾4万头骆驼和羊驼无食可吃。In the snow-covered, the almost total destruction of crops, more than 40,000 camels and alpacas no food to eat.

如果邮件被绝收,应重新分析营销活动的相关性,调整内容和主题栏,让其更加吸引。If they´re declining, revisit the relevancy of your campaigns and tweak content and subject lines to be more appealing.

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半年以前,内蒙古和辽宁西北的干旱导致大面积粮食绝收。Six months ago, the drought in the north-western provinces of Inner Mongolia and Liaoning caused widespread crop failure.

干旱让绝大多数的索马里农作物绝收,骆驼群和山羊也养不活,或被逼离开少雨地区。Drought wiped out much of Somalia's crops, and herds of camels and goats perished, or were forced out of low-rain regions.

2009年的农业季出现了绝收,使得人们普遍面临谷物缺口,许多家庭因此而陷入困境。The 2009 agricultural season failed and created widespread cereal deficits, placing many households in dire circumstances.

这场干旱已造成大量牲畜死亡,大片的农作物绝收,严重威胁着赖以生存的当地居民的生命。The drought has killed hundreds of cattle and many hectares of crops, threatening the lives of the people who depend on them for food.

每年均有因旱灾造成的水稻减产,大旱年份,减产更多,甚至绝收。Every year the paddy rice output always reduces because of drought. When the drought is serious, the output reduced more, even extremely.

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井干涸了,庄家绝收、地理尘土飞扬,收获得梦想也随之灰飞烟灭,我们的农场正经历前所未有的严重旱灾。Wells were dry, crops transformed to dust and blew away with our dreams, during the worst drought our small farming community had ever seen.

据濮阳方面人士称,这是1996年以来此地遭遇的最大的一次洪灾,受灾农田基本绝收。According to one Puyang resident, this was the worst flood since 1996, with complete crop failures seen across almost all of the affected land.

2004年一年,干旱和海水就破坏了3700万公顷耕地,让其中的400多万公顷绝收。Already, in 2004 alone, drought and floods damaged more than 37 million hectares of arable crops, leaving more than four million of them barren.

商贩们看准说,若干旱再持续一月,当地辣椒在下半年可能完全绝收。Crops of hot peppers, an important ingredient in local cuisine, may fail completely in the 2nd half of this year if the drought lasts another month.

因此,缺少蜜蜂将阻止应有的授粉,从而让果实的产量下降或绝收。A lack of bees would therefore prevent the pollen from moving as it should and the fruits produced would therefore be small in number or nonexistent.

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而且,木薯的块茎可以被埋在地下,三年都不会腐烂,如果干旱使玉米或豆类作物绝收,农民们依然可以依靠木薯熬过饥荒。Also, the tubers can be left underground for up to three years, so if drought kills a corn or bean crop, the farmer's family can still fend off starvation.

调查表明,果树缺铁性生理病害在碱性大的土壤里表现严重,导致果树枝梢枯死,生长不良,果实减产甚至绝收。The survey shows the fruit tree iron deficiency disease is serious in alkaline soil and it causes bourgeon wither of trees, poor growth and lower or no yield.

今年由于干旱,至少有三分之一的粮食受灾,还有土豆,通常是卖给俄罗斯军队的,现在全部绝收了。At least one-third of the grain crop at Larsha has been destroyed by the drought this year and the potato harvest, usually sold to the Russian army, wiped out altogether.