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他一口咬定了盖瑞是凶手。He insists that Gary is the murderer.

她诬告我是小偷,一口咬定我偷了她的钱包。She swore against me, saying I had stolen her purse.

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总之,姑娘一口咬定,她根本不认识他们。In short, the girl insisted that she did not know them.

他一口咬定我煽动不满,还说要解聘我。He insisted i fomenting dissent, and he said he would have to terminate me.

那么,那次她一口咬定她不在家时是我开了她的车又该怎么说呢?。And how about the time she insisted I had been driving her car when she had been away?

我想我在夜总会看到西尔维娅同一位男子在一起,可是她一口咬定她没有去过那儿。Silvia with a man in the nightclub but she swears black and blue that she's never been there.

他一口咬定自己并不讨厌美国人,而只是对美国的悲观未来提出警告。Panarin insists he does not dislike Americans. But he warns that the outlook for them is dire.

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娜娜说她最喜欢的电子表丢了,一口咬定是我拿的,可我真的没有。Nana said her favorite electronic watch was lost, and she insisted that I took it, but I didn't.

郭培武一口咬定绑架一事实土匪所为,他让阳春准备好赎金,他担任与土匪交涉。GuoPeiWu contended, kidnap a fact bandits act and he let yangchun ready to ransom, he served as and bandit bargaining.

王葡萄指责谢哲学陷害她爹,但谢哲学一口咬定儿子鸿志是被孙怀清害死。King grape accused xie philosophy against her father, but xie hong chi is Sun Huaiqing philosophy asserted that son to death.

人们总是谈论心理治疗的价格,并一口咬定它高得离谱,但却从没有人以理智的观点来看这个问题。People always talk about the costs of therapy and granted it’s expensive but no one ever looks at it from a rational standpoint.

莉莎穿着长裙,戴着女佣人的布帽,显得那么矮小,虽说开始雇用的时候,她一口咬定她早就过十岁了。Such a midget she looked in her long skirt and maid's cap, though she had sworn, when engaged, that she would never see ten again.

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孩子们从父母讲话获取信息的能力是无穷无尽的,即便有时候我们一口咬定他们在我们说话时根本没带着耳朵来。Kids have an infinite ability to hear what parents say, even in those moments we're convinced they haven't heard a word we uttered.

王师北一口咬定鸡饭仔就是犹大,刀锋急匆匆率领王师北和麦子折回追逐。King division north contended, chicken rice seed is led by the king of judah, blade hurried back into north division and wheat chase.

身着一件布满被飞溅的火星烧焦的破旧毛式中山装,这位保安一口咬定钢铁厂已经关闭。Dressed in a shabby Mao suit covered with singe marks from flying sparks, the security guard insisted that the steel plant had been shut down.

1943年9月,苏军收复斯摩棱斯克地区,组织反调查,一口咬定屠杀系德国侵略者所为。On September in 1943, the Soviet Union recaptured Smolensk and investigated the incidents again. They insisted that German invaders were responsible.

我只想提一个问题,过去拉美、东亚、俄罗斯等地区国家发生金融危机时,西方经济学家们一口咬定是这些国家自身造成的。In the past, when financial crisis hit Russia, Latin-American and East Asian countries, economists in the west asserted that it was those countries themselves to blame.

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八路军与狗娃还有日军陆战队开战,狗娃一口咬定是李冬青要找人暗杀他,并跑到猿飞面前说理。The eighth route army war with gowardesh and Japanese army corps, gowardesh contended, is dong-qing li want to find someone to assassinate him, and he who ran in front of the ape to fly.

西方的一些智能机构一口咬定本拉登没有断绝发展非常规性武器的想法,到底化学战剂、物理战剂还是“脏弹”哪种能产生带有放射性的云层。Western intelligence agencies are convinced al-Qaeda still wants to develop non-conventional weapons, whether chemical or biological agents or "dirty bombs" that create a cloud of radioactivity.