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我因为害怕而膝盖瘫软。My knees buckled with fear.

失败者垂头丧气地坐着,全身瘫软。The loser sat slumped in dejection.

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我则在你的文章中发现一种让你瘫软的恐惧。I detect in yours a paralysing fear.

她好象要死似的,瘫软下去了。And she sank down as though on the point of death.

首相瘫软地陷进最近的椅子里。The Prime Minister sank, weak-kneed, into the nearest chair.

时,他那五个瘫软了的手指几乎让手枪落了下来。Marius's faltering fingers had come near letting the pistol fall.

可是我的血压开始降低,并时时感到眩晕、瘫软无力。But I have low blood pressure and I kept feeling dizzy and fainting.

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但基督瘫软的身体则具有一种奇迹般的真实感。The slumped physicality of this Christ, however, is almost miraculous.

如果你让我太放松,我可能会瘫软地像块抹布。If you get me any more relaxed, I'm going to be like a limp dishrag here.

一声枪响吓得吉米的妈妈全身瘫软,双膝几乎着地,她双手紧紧抱住她儿子。The single shot made Jimmy's mother sag at the knees. Her grip on her son tightened.

高烧,咳嗽,喉咙痛,全身酸痛,头痛,惧寒和瘫软无力等。Symptoms include fever, cough, sore throat, body aches, headache, chills and fatigue.

接着用我的手肘猛击他直到他瘫软在我的脚下。Bashed him with my elbow after that until he fell through my arms into a heap at my feet.

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一整天的工作之后回家瘫软在沙发上吃着薯片与懒惰为伴。We come home from a hard day at work and turn into a couch potato, giving in to laziness.

玛丽已经被吓得全身瘫软,挣扎着踉踉跄跄地朝他们走来,疯狂地挥动着双手。Marie was nearly paralyzed with fear as she stumbled down the road toward them and waved her arms wildly.

他立刻全身瘫软,扑倒在正烧着洗碗水的煎锅里。He loosened himself all over and fell in the fire across the frying pan of hot water for washing the dishes.

他浑身瘫软地仰面躺着,好象四肢的力量都已枯竭,没过一会儿便昏昏沉沉地睡着了。He lay on his back limply, as though all the strength had gone out of his limbs, and presently I saw that he had fallen asleep.

我们什么都有,但我们当中有太多的人就是瘫软地坐着,什么也不干,任凭我们的坦克装满被盗的石油,丝毫不为明天着想。We have everything, yet too many of us sit limp and passive, filling up our tanks with stolen oil without a thought for tomorrow.

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同时在村子的柴房内传出了一声强有力的啼哭,那个男人连忙跑了进去,看到接生婆和自己的老婆瘫软在那里。At the same time in the village from the room with a wood strong crying, the man hastened to go in and see the midwives and his wife collapse there.

结果是两位身材高大、肤色浅黑、相貌英俊的二十五岁同卵双胞胎,水汪汪的意大利褐眼使我全身瘫软。Tall, dark and handsome identical twenty-five-year-old twins, as it turned out, with those giant brown liquid-center Italian eyes that just unstitch me.

重回真正男人的社区,我必须放弃“特殊”的迷恋和舒适。战胜使我瘫软的恐惧,冒被拒绝的危险。To restore myself to the community of real men, I would have to relinquish the narcissistic comfort of being "special, " overcome paralyzing fears, and risk rejection.