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你这是自寻死路。You which is the kiss of death.

地穴恶魔们,你们这是自寻死路!Crypt fiends, you're not prepared!

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这不止是在社交上自寻死路,还很卑鄙。Not only is it social suicide, it's mean.

那些寻死的人饱受折磨。Those people who want to die are suffering.

我们如接受其建议,无疑是自寻死路。Our receipt of the proposal was a bombshell.

“我的父亲或是母亲会去寻死”,他说。“Either my father or my mother would die,” he says.

我可不想招惹这哥们儿,自寻死路。I don't want to dice with death by pissing off this guy.

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正是为了一种想法,一种思想,基里洛夫决意寻死。It is for an idea, a thought, that he is getting ready for death.

如果我要寻死,我就爬上你的自恃清高,跳入你的智商。If I wanted to kill myself I'd climb your ego and jump to your IQ.

我们想当然地认为大多数自寻痛苦和自寻死路的人是精神不正常的。We rightly view most people who seek pain or death as mentally ill.

但是当要建议客户投资互联网的时候,这就是自寻死路了。But run for the hills when it comes to advising clients to invest in the Internet.

因为缺少其他的有能力医疗人才,军团无法阻止他的寻死。Lacking any other skilled medical personnel, the Legion was unable to prevent his death.

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一个实时应用如果在这方面做得不好明显是自寻死路的。A real-time application that's slow in delivering information is obviously self-defeating.

以当时的足球玩法,威廉·韦伯·艾利斯的鲁莽行动无疑是“自寻死路”。The way soccer was played in those days, William Webb Ellis' rash action was practically suicidal.

寻死者在线上碰头、交换最佳手段甚至相约一起结束生命。Victims meet online, exchange the best methods and may even make a pact to terminate themselves as a group.

我管她叫什么,你知道自己在做什么吗?这不止是在社交上自寻死路,还很卑鄙。Oh, her name's amanda. do you have any idea what you're doing?Not only is it social suicide, dan, it's mean.

算了吧。想法要实际点。那些寻死的人饱受折磨。还是让他们不要受到痛苦快快地死去比较好。Come on. Be realistic. Those people who want to die are suffering . It's better that they go quickly and painlessly.

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一位给她的女儿注射了吗啡以满足她寻死的愿望,另一位则亲自给儿子注射了海洛因。One helped her daughter fulfill a wish to die by providing her morphine. The other injected heroin into her son herself.

两者之间的区别还挺大的,Inglis的儿子已经处于植物人状态,所以他妈妈没办法说是满足孩子寻死的愿望。There are big differences. Inglis's son was in a vegetative state, so she can't claim she was fulfilling his desire to die.

宇文化及一见自己的小儿子要去寻死,回到家之后当场训斥宇文成龙做事太糊涂。YuWenHuaJi a saw his little son going to try to commit suicide, returned home after work on the spot YuWenChengLong scolded too foolish.