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探问别人隐私是不礼貌的。It is ill-mannered to ask personal questions.

他们一再探问此事。They inquired about the matter time and again.

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探问别人隐私是不礼貌的。E. g. It is ill-mannered to ask personal questions.

我将会永生永世珍惜我探问此地留下的记忆。I will cherish my visit here in memory make sure that I live.

晓梦决议本人去探问妞妞的下落。Xiao dream I go to seek resolution of the whereabouts of girl.

我们探问了500名家庭主妇,全讯网。她们中的大大都每天都得干家务活。全讯网。We surveyed 500 housewives. Most of them do housework every day.

我们去探问他们,并且探讨`给他们提供交通的最简单的方法是什么?So we looked in and said 'what's the easiest ways to provide them transportation?

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我们分外不同—任何探问我们的人都知道我们是分外不同的人。We're very different – goodytotwis who knows us knows that we very different people.

昨天公爵派人来探问我的病情,今天早上他自己来了。Yesterday, the Duke sent round to enquire after me, and he came himself this morning.

基昌的学院无法再持续运营,他四处探问讲师的任务。The chang college can't continue the operation, he was an outlaw the task of lecturer.

记者们还向红军主帅探问了利物浦与布莱克浦中场查理亚当的“绯闻”。Reporters probed the Liverpool manager on links with Blackpool midfielder Charlie Adam.

例?所以。谷歌们该当探问学英文不能没有字典。Therefore. we should reingize that in learning English we cannot do without a dictionary.

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他并不喜欢探问人家的事,也不一定要见其他的家里人。He was not at all inquisitive or anxious to meet any one of the other members of the family.

沃特森老师,我想来为你的这次探问制定一个日程,对于学习资料下载。你现在方便吗?Well! Mr. Watson! I'm here to draw up an agenda for your visit. Is it convenient for you tight now?

面对前仆后继般的腐败现象,人们在探问它的社会根源。The phenomenon of corruption advances wave upon wave, facing to it we must find out its social origin.

先是去了恋人湖,又去了孤儿院,而且还向院长探问沈蔷男友岳翔的事。First to the lovers, and to the orphanage lake, but also to the Qiang shen boyfriend YueXiang an outlaw.

这个森林充满着危险,我应该马上要回家,这是一个很奇怪的事情,但我应该去探问究竟是什么事。The forest is full of danger, I ought to go straight home, but this is such a strange thing. I'd better look into it.

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秦天向院长探问到,沈蔷是捡来的,小时分常常生病,而且在很小的时分就会帮助干家务。The qin dynasty to the day an outlaw, shen to Qiang is to pick up, little time often get sick, and in a small time will help do housework.

而正是这种在“通道”中孵化出来的思索与探问,促使我们不休止地定向行进。It's precisely the thoughts and inquiries hatched from these passageways that allow us to move forward imperturbably & with a sense of direction.

当我去年夏天训练的时候,我妻子,我儿子和我去我长大的地方探问了我的父母,那里离我的高中大约半英里远。While I was in training last summer, my wife, our son, and I visited my parents in the house where I grew up, about a half-mile from the high school.