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构建和集成。Builds and integration.

关注的集成。Integration of concerns.

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什么是持续集成?What is continuous integration?

硬件支持和集成。Hardware support and integration.

与数据中心的集成。Integration with the data center.

外国人的集成版,全语言?This is the All Language Edition.

你有一个集成分支吗?Do you have an integration branch?

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集成了网络收音机ShoutcastIntegrated Shoutcast Internet radio

集成是近乎无缝的。The integration is almost seamless.

集成冷端补偿。Integral cold junction compensation.

“可发布”意味着已完成集成测试。Releasable means integration tested.

风把雪吹集成了一堆。Wind swept the snow up into a mound.

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它们全是富有挑战性的集成。They re all challenging integrations.

与标识提供者的集成。Integration with an identity provider.

它不能与系统中心集成it isn’t integrated with System Center

按需方式中集成的工作角色The role of integration within On Demand

与策略决策点的集成。Integration with a policy decision point.

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协调所有资源集成。Integrators coordination of all resources.

现在集成系统更容易。It’s now much easier to integrate systems.

无肩带的内衣集成振动器。Strapless lingerie with integrated vibrator.