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他说话的腔调使我厌烦。His accent repels me.

天啊,我真希望这副励志腔调很快就能烟消云散!God, I hope this wears off soon.

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然而,如今这个国家却改变了腔调。Now, however, it’s changing its tune.

我叫着,简直是一种胜利的腔调。I exclaimed in a rather triumphant tone.

我不喜欢他说话时嘲讽的腔调。I dislike the sarcastic tone of his speech.

肯,老伙计,说实在的我真佩服你这口语化的腔调。Ken, compadre, I admire the colloquial style.

评论文戈的人已经开始改变腔调了。Vingo's critics had begun to change their note.

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他那个腔调又是轻蔑又是嘲讽,真是奇怪。In this tone of contempt, or sarcasm, it’s weird.

用这些钱,我们可以做得这样大这样快”这是一个赢者的腔调。Make a core product and get it to market quickly.

以他们的腔调和语速来谈论就能那样。Create it by matching their tone and talking speed.

真正令人不安的是我们争论的腔调。What is really depressing is the tone of our debate.

富裕中农也改变了腔调。The well-to-do middle peasants also changed their tune.

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乔说话声音低沉粗嘎,带着中西部地区的腔调。Joe had a low, guttural voice with a mid-Western accent.

是啊,我是个机灵的姑娘,说话带有时髦的腔调。Li Yea. I'm a smart girl that speaks with a smart accent.

可以用重音符号来表示某种特定的说话腔调。An apostrophe can be used to show certain speech patterns.

但大陆人去凑人家的腔调干嘛呢。Cou the mainland people to be doing other people's accent.

因此哀伤成了所有诗歌腔调的最合理的。Melancholy is thus the most legitimate of all poetic tones.

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帕罗特军士说话通常带着上流社会的腔调。Sergeant Parrott normally spoke with an upper- crust accent.

帕里抱起胳膊,腔调变得坦率而世故起来。Parry crossed his arms and adopted a worldly, man-to-man tone.

如果你稍微地改变腔调,也许可以替我喊到。If you change your tone a little, maybe you can say "Here" for me.