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还是更注重优点?Or your strength?

他非常注重结果。He is very result-oriented.

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安丽卡是注重质量的葡萄酒。Anakena is about quality wines.

埃德蒙是一个注重行动的人。Sir Edmund was a man of action.

快乐的人注重现在的生活。Happy people live in the present.

因为他们注重积极的一面。Because they focus on the positive.

我们必须更加注重预防工作”。We need to focus more on prevention.

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因为我注重事实。Because I pay attention to the facts.

一个人可以注重保存期限到什麽程度?How far can you stretch a use-by date?

门德尔的研究对象是植物,他尤其注重对豌豆植物的研究。studied plants, especially pea plants.

也许我太注重感觉了吧。Maybe the feeling is so importan to me.

但是,招聘人员却非常注重按类别来划分。But recruiters are very category-driven.

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然而,我们的“灵魂”注重的又是其它的东西。But our SPIRIT loooks for something else.

帕特·莱斯注重防守,而博洛却强调进攻。Pat Rice is defensive, Boro is offensive.

他确实对他的外表很注重。He did have this thing about his appearance.

要注重健康,加强你的健康。Focus on your health. Strengthen your health.

嘱受检者睁眼,注重瞬目反射。Have client open eyes, and note blink reflex.

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每当他施放贼星时注重看你的愤恨。Watch your aggro every time he does a meteor.

现在,我的实验室里的问题,也是过于注重礼仪谦让,缺少批评精神。In my lab there’s no criticism, only refinement.

他们原本应该愈加注重质量。They should have paid more attention to quality.