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接着他把事情完完整整地告诉了她。Vinegar. And then he told her the whole story.

适合的整地方式为高垅整地。The high ridge was the appropriate soil preparation.

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整地中的广场,车辆被暂时放至于户外。Vehicles were put outdoors during the rebuilding construction.

经过选地、整地、栽植与管理建成平榛园。Garden was established by choosing and preparing land, cultivating and management.

当他修剪树枝或者整地时,我就会在离他不远处玩耍。While he was trimming the apple trees or hoeing the fields, I was just playing around.

以上就是我的感言全文。当时如果有五分钟的话,我一定会完完整整地说清楚讲明白。Well, there you have my full speech. That's what I would have said if I had had 5 minutes!

雅虎公司也曾雇用山羊吃草整地,其中一些羊只还当上董事会成员。Yahoo has also employed goats to graze their grounds, some of them were made board members.

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真不知咋整地,每次只要一看到她,我就能笑得像个傻子似的。I don't know how she could make me burst into laughter like a idiot by just looking at her face.

您的庭园设计应该很容易能够处理的整地,播种和初步护理工作。Your landscaper should be quite easily able to handle the job of site preparation , seeding and initial care.

圆盘角度的调整可以通过机械或者液压的方式实现,以避免作物残茬在整地时起堆。The regulation of the discs angle, by means of a mechanic or hydraulic device, avoids the residues accumulation.

这一刻给人印象深刻,也在于弥尔顿从别处完完整整地,将这段打断的场景借鉴而来。This moment is also striking because Milton has lifted this entire scene of this interruption from somewhere else.

使用者坐在座鞍上即可进行犁、耙和耱整地作业。The utility model can be used for ploughing, harrowing and leveling the ground when a user sits on the seat saddle.

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机械化耕整地技术是最基本的农田作业机械化技术。Mechanized tillage and soil preparation technology is a fundamental part of mechanized farmland operation technology.

天然更新,在种子成熟当年进行整地除草,促进其更新,可获得良好效果。Soil preparation and weeding in fruiting year will accelerate the natural regeneration and good result can be obtained.

从整地施肥、选种播种、田间管理、浇水、追肥、病虫害防治等方面介绍了出口山药的无公害标准化栽培技术。The outline and process of the standard cultivation technique of non-polluted yam were briefly introduced in this paper.

于是,我便老老实实地完完整整地抄了前面和后面,然后中间就漏了几段不抄了。So, I honestly pieces of finished copy of the front and back, and then the middle of the omitted passages are not copied.

主要适用于蔬菜地、果园、大棚、花园、茶园、水田和旱地。主要功能是浅耕、深耕、整地、开沟、抽水等作业。It is applied for working in the plastic booth, in the orchard, in the hill, in the mountainous area, and on the paddy field.

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在黄泛沙地上进行毛白杨不同整地规格造林试验。Poplar afforestation test with various soil preparation specifications was carried out in the sandy area of the Yellow River.

本文从整地、播种、施肥、灌水、中耕除草、病虫病防治、茎叶刈割和采挖等方面总结了甘草机械化栽培技术。In this thesis, The mechanically sowing technology on rape cultivation was studied, and variable-drop sower was creatively designed.

多年以来,很多朋友都在一直催促我写这样一本书,但是时至今日,我一直没时间完完整整地把它写出来。Several friends have been pushing me to write such a book for years, but I never really had time to write a complete book until now.