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马上单衣寒恻恻。Immediately cold unlined grieved.

塔米莎带了件保暖的粗布牛仔大衣,汤姆的夹克衫却是单衣,连衬里都没有。Tamitha had an insulated denim coat, but Tom's jacket was unlined.

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我每年领一套棉服,一套单衣。I get one cotton padded winter garment and one summer suit every year.

遇到下雨刮风的话,可能会需要长袖单衣。Windy encounter rain, he will probably need long-sleeved unlined garment.

抗战前,我只有一条薄毯子,几件单衣,所以我总是受凉。Before the war I had only a thin blanket and a few unpadded garments so that I was always cold.

现在我们看到的是曲裾素纱单衣,它制作于西汉早期。Now we can see the curving-front unlined garment, it was made in the early Western Han Dynasty.

而你不经意间的回避,让身单衣薄的我到何处去寻找你的温馨。And you avoidance accidentally, let suits of unlined garment thin I get where go warmth to look for you.

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而你不经意间的回避,让身单衣薄的我到何处去寻找你的温馨。And you avoidance accidentally, make suits of thin I get where go to look for your warmth unlined garment.

冬天,官兵只穿两件单衣,晚上睡觉盖的是干稻草……In winter officers and soldiers wore only two unlined garments during the day and slept in dried rice straw at night.

你知道为什么?我们离真相太近了。是时候直面玛儒兹了我们最好穿上防弓单衣你在这会很安全的。You know why? We came too close to the truth. It's time to confront Marucci! We better wear protection. You'll be safe here.

走过巷道,看见有几个孩子换上单衣在玩捉迷藏,那麽活泼愉快,清朗的笑声漾向四周,这也属于春天的声音吧!When I pass the lane, I see children in light clothing playing hide and seek. Their laughing spurts out like another voice of Spring.

俄罗斯的冬天24小时供暖,室温在30度分配,室内通常都是穿单衣单裤。Russian winter heating for 24 hours, at room temperature 30 degrees in distribution, the interior is often wear trousers light clothing.

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著着很厚的青布单衣或夹袄的都市闲人,咬着烟管,在雨后的斜桥影里,上桥头树底下去一立。Some idle townsfolk, wearing lined or unlined clothing made of thick cloth, will come out pipe in mouth and, loitering under a tree by the end of a bridge.