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翻来复去都睡不着,我又怎么了???Who can tell me what happened ?

实验室里的工作味同嚼蜡翻来复去。Lab work is dull and repetitious.

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他总是翻来复去地讲一件事。He keeps on harping on the same thing.

你长吁短叹,翻来复去,试图能够入睡。You sigh, toss and turn, and try to get to sleep.

这种话,她翻来复去不知说过多少遍了。This is what she has been saying over and over again.

那天晚上这俩人都觉得心里不塌实,在床上翻来复去。That night, both of them couldn't sleep, toss and turn, toss and turn.

大前天晚上落了一夜的雨,我在床上翻来复去,总是睡不着。There was a storm a few nights ago, and I lay on my bed, unable to sleep.

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他们发现那人在床上翻来复去,仍然神志不清。They found the man turning from side to side on his bed, still unconscious.

你是否曾经翻来复去的睡不着,因为来思念着你的爱?You ever toss and turn your llying awake and thinking about the one you love?

可是等啊等,就是不见他睡觉,还是翻来复去地读那篇文章。But and so on and so on, does not see him to sleep, toss about reads that article.

葛婆子只是固执而单调地把两手翻来复去,眼睛瞪视在地板上。Mrs. Gerhardt persistently and monotonously turned one hand over in the other and stared at the floor.

她一面这样说,一面带着为难的样子,把那张账单拿在手里翻来复去,并用指甲掐着它,折了又折。As she spoke thus, she was twisting the bill about in her hands with an embarrassed air, and making creases in it with her nails.

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屋里的另一个病人看到旁边床上的人翻来复去,并听到憋气的声音,赶紧按铃叫护士。Another patient in the room, observing thrashing and hearing choking noises from the adjoining bed, presses a bell push urgently to call back the nurse.

他翻来复去,等到伦敦那阴沉的白天开始上曙光,便一骨碌爬了起来,前往柏利街他叔父的寓所。He tossed about until the appearance of the dismal London daylight, when he sprang up desperately, and walked off to his uncle's lodgings in Bury Street.

屋里的另一个病人看到旁边床上的人翻来复去,并听到憋气的声音,赶紧按铃叫护士。Ano ther patient in the room, observing thrashing and hearing choking noises from the adjoining bed , presses a bell push urgently to call back the nurse.

如果某个主意看上去不错,并且你也认为你可以将它派上用场,那么你就把它翻来复去、添油加醋一番,扔上抛下直到它慢慢成形。Last night Bessi had bent his rim so the air got out, making a flat. After taking off the tire Dagur is able to use a sledge hammer to get it back into proper shape , stopping the leak.

如果某个主意看上去不错,并且你也认为你可以将它派上用场,那么你就把它翻来复去、添油加醋一番,扔上抛下直到它慢慢成形。If one idea in particular seems attractive, and you feel you could do something with it , then you toss it around, play tricks with it , work it up, tone it down, and gradually get it into shape.