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遂行剖腹探查及肿瘤切除。A laparotomy was performed and the tumor was resected.

第二种办法也是在行星形成时遂行捕捉。The second method also places capture during the planetary growth phase.

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遂行后方、近距离和塑造任务,包括纵深精确打击。Conducts rear, close, and shaping missions including deep precision strike.

在人们遂行这些私念时,自然界的大环境也达成了牠的目的。When human carries out his selfishness, natural environment reaches its goal.

信息的可信度是未来遂行信息化作战的生命线。The relability of information is the life line of future successful information war.

人们只有在奉宗教之名时,才会如此彻底和愉快地遂行邪恶之事。Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction.

任何遂行发掘自己的影子这是一个完美的门户和详细指导手册。For anyone setting out to explore their Shadow this is a perfect gateway and detailed instruction manual.

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没有远程预警机的海空编队往往冒着极大的风险遂行作战任务。The sea and air formations without long-range forewarning airplane usually take great risk to implement tasks.

炮、地空导弹武器系统为基本装备,遂行对空作战任务。Yes. We're short on both mortars and antiaircraft guns for the Dutch army and automatic rifles for the Belgian Army.

如何在复杂电磁环境下把握和适用这一法律准则,将对未来军事斗争中遂行海上作战任务产生重要影响。How to use these law standards will influence the performance of the military tasks in the coming military struggles.

随着武警部队任务职能的增多和专业化,仅仅以军事法作为武警部队管理和遂行任务的法律依据不够全面。Along with the tasks growing and the specialization of the armed police forces, military law can never be the only legal basis.

我遂行进攻战斗任务时必须克服地理环境带来的不利影响。I a time of taking the offensive the combat mission must overcome the geography environment bring of disadvantageous influence.

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大而拥挤的陌生赛场上,有人还在停车场里不停按喇叭,犬能否照样遂行日常服从性科目?How does he handle his obedience routine in front of a large crowd on a strange field with someone in the parking lot honking his horn?

国家交通是国防交通的基础,是遂行国防交通任务的依托。National transportation, which is the basis of transportation for national defense, supports the execution of duties of national defense.

这些海上勇士,将酸臭的黄油掷向日本船只的甲板,用船索缠住日本船只的螺旋桨,甚而欲对捕鲸船船长遂行公民逮捕之责。The ocean warriors hurl rancid butter on Japanese decks, use warps to foul propellers and attempt citizen's arrests of the whaling captains.

十管越野群车加油车主要用于野战条件下,为集群的坦克装甲车辆、运输车辆、工程机械等装备遂行油料保障任务。This refueller is mainly used to accomplish the oil supply task for group of armored tanks, transportation vehicles, engineering machinery, etc.

妄为者更利用该程序,遂行掏空公司资产等不法目的,更严重侵害到债权人之利益。Moreover, some may use the drawbacks of the system to misappropriate the company assets and thus extremely impairs creditors' interests of repayment.

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争夺制天权的基本特征,是研究在遂行争夺制天权作战中所表现出的基础特征。The fundamental features in fighting for space control power are a research of the basic features displayed in the operations for space control power.

遂行多样化军事任务,是军队职能的新拓展,对军事卫勤保障提出了新要求。To excellently accomplish multiple types of military missions is a new function of the army, and it puts forward new demand on military health service.

然就发展趋势观察,此等暂时性保全程序之运用已非单纯诉讼目的,更有商业竞争之考量,成为权利人以诉讼遂行威胁最有效之合法工具。Today, patentees not only apply injunction as a tool for lawsuits, but also as a legitimate tool to make threats on their opponents in the business competition.