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我是个窝囊废。I was a wimp.

那就证明我是个窝囊废。Then I’m a loser.

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这个男孩是个彻头彻尾的窝囊废。The man is absolutely a loser.

他真是个窝囊废。He is really a worthless wretch.

让这么一个窝囊废赢了真丢丑。A shame to let a joker like this win.

花言巧语的家伙,火柴人,窝囊废。A flimflam man, matchstick man, loser.

我真是个窝囊废!一事无成!I'm such a loser! I achieved nothing !

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我就是这样干的,聪明点,可别做个窝囊废That's what I did, be smart, don't be a retard

没有钱,人家骂你是窝囊废。No money, the somebody else scold you are wimps.

你能想象吗?那个可悲的窝囊废偷用了我的故事。Can you believe it? That pathetic loser stoled my story.

我看这个窝囊废也没法在床上满足你,是吧?Ain't no way this wuss can keep you satisfied in bed, right?

但是,我是个窝囊废,是个怪人,我他妈到底为什么在这里?。But I'm a creep, I'm a weirdo. What the hell am I doing here?

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迈克是史密斯与儿子建筑公司里阿谁窝囊废儿子。Mike was the good-for-nothing son in Smith and Son Construction.

李诺是黑帮家族首脑,这家庭里容不下窝囊废。Lino is the head of a dangerous family. There isn't room for wimps in this family.

他说“我父亲早上起床,对着镜子然后说‘你不再是一个窝囊废了’”。My father would get up in the morning, look in the mirror and say, 'you're no bargain.

但只要一遇到小小的挫折,我就感觉自己是个彻头彻尾的窝囊废了。But all it took was the smallest setback for me to be sure that I was utterly worthless.

瘫痪后,他为他的妻子找情人,是窝囊废还是纯爷们?He searched for a lover for his wife after he became paralyzed, is he a wretch or a true man?

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请大家来分析一下,瘫痪的他为老婆征情人,是窝囊废还是男子汉?He searches for a lover for his wife after he becomes paralyzed, is he a wretch or a true man?

你开始嫌你老公窝囊废,开始想那些曾经想泡你的人。You start to blame your husband, you start to think about all those guys that you met in your life.

萨达姆·侯赛因算是领教到了,没有人敢再认为美国人是一群纸老虎、窝囊废了。As Saddam Hussein learned, no one will ever think that America is filled with a bunch of paper tigers again.