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武汉警察破获赌博大案。Wuhan police uncover major gambling cases.

许多人与这起诈骗银行的大案有牵连。The big bank swindle involved a lot of people.

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这一系列的大案,让中村和福田忙的焦头烂额。This series of major, let nakamura and Mr Busy.

刑警队在着手一起大案。The criminal police are working on a major case.

在这宗大案中,其夫人和儿子也被提起了公诉。His wife and son were also indicted in the sweeping case.

他还多次自导自演“缉毒”大案,以骗取领导信任。He also repeated a self "drug" major, leading to defraud the trust.

四月五月每一个省里要抓几个大案。Within these two months, each province should deal with some major cases.

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在零三年密歇根大学平权措施大案中,最高院同样只愿提供录音带。In the big University of Michigan affirmative action case of 2003, the court again only released audiotapes.

朱莉和米勒是一对高中黑客情侣,最终帮助情报机关破获了大案。Jolie and Miller are a couple of high-school hacking experts, who end up with the secret service on their case.

就在她调往内勤这天夜里,她所在城市发生了一件惊天大案。Move toward office staff this day in her at night, she was in a city to produce extremely big record of a Jing.

大案是“欧盟所做的远远不够”,欧盟将在其明年夏天的欧洲议会选举上,为此付出很高的政治代价。The answer is "not nearly enough", and the political price may be high at next summer's European parliament elections.

众所瞩目的扁家洗钱大案沉淀数日后,11日又掀起个高潮。Centers of attention after the flat family launders money the major event precipitates several days, on 11th starts a high tide.

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这是拱北海关新年首次查获的走私冻品大案,5名走私犯罪嫌疑人当场落网。With 5 suspected smugglers detained on the spot, this has been the 1st frozen goods smuggling case since the beginning of the year.

在8月份,肯尼斯·斯塔尔在他的第一个大案中失败了,这个案子反映出他和他的工作人员是怎样不顾一切地想把一些事情归罪于我。In August, Kenneth Starr lost his first big case, one that reflected just how desperate he and his staff were to pin something on me.

在这起大案的新闻发布会上,马曦初很轻松地告诉记者们,外国的职业扒手似乎也没有什么高明之处。In the big press conference, at the beginning Maxi easily told reporters, the foreign professional pickpockets seems to be no wisdom.

本案的另一名律师是翟建,他曾担任上海几起腐败大案的辩护律师。Another attorney in the case is Zhai Jian, a criminal defense lawyer who has handled some of Shanghai's most sensational corruption cases.

连续发生的涉及金额达数十亿人民币的金融大案表明,加强银行内部管理的改革是值得反思的。A series of the financial cases involved in billions of RMB indicate that the reform for strengthening internal management of the banks is questionable.

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国有商业银行公司治理的现状仍令人堪忧,大案、要案频繁发生,其根源仍是金融体制问题,即“所有人缺位”和“内部人控制”以及外部环境制约等问题。There are a lot of problem of the banks, owning to the mechanism, including owner absence, insider control and outward environment, which are history problems.

今天早上我见到莱特布赖给妈妈的一封便函,说明天他因为一件专利大案要去华盛顿,他要到最高法院去辩论。I saw a note this morningfrom Mr. Letterblair to Mamma saying that he wasgoing to Washington tomorrow for the big patent casethat he was to argue before the Supreme Court.

“银广厦”案曾经是轰动一时的大案,该案波及面广泛,造成的损失巨大,事后,“银广厦”案的主要当事人都受到了法律的严惩。Yinguangxia Event was once a big hit, the case was widely influential, resulting in huge losses, and afterwards, the major parties in the event are subject to the law and severely punished.