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布朗先生是个人所共知的喜欢揩油的人。Mr. Brown is known as a free loader.

中国的居民消费支出数据统计有出入,这人所共知。China's consumer-spending data are notoriously murky.

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山地气候难以预料是人所共知的。Mountain weather is notoriously difficult to predict.

接下来发生的在生物学史上人所共知。What happened next is famous in the history of biology.

人们经常用一些人所共知的借口去拖延时间。People often use several well-known excuses to procrastinate.

她回顾道,那时,性别平衡是大家心照不宣、人所共知的问题。Gender balance, she wrote back then, is the elephant in the room.

虫媒和艳丽花朵的关系人所共知。The association between pollinators and showy flowers is well known.

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所有的Linux操作系统都是基于服务是人所共知的事实了。It is a well known fact that all Linux based system works with services.

这是人所共知的,为它的彻底性,精确,简洁,与平衡。It is well known for its thoroughness, precision, conciseness, and balance.

对于中小企业,这是人所共知,拓展业务,并鼓励发展的宝贵物品。For SMBs, these are invaluable items known to expand business and encourage growth.

这些鸟类是人所共知的因为它们的大声的咯咯声,四有趾的脚,和灿烂的羽毛。These birds are best known for their loud cackles , four-toed feet, and brilliant plumage.

这一人所共知的诅咒的致命错误就是我称之为“需求伪论”的一套错误理论。The fundamental error behind this familiar mantra is what I call "the demand-side fallacy."

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在文学界,文人相轻是人所共知、臭名在外的。In the domains of letters, it is notoriously known that writers tend to disparage each other.

我猜想人所共知的对中餐的抱怨可能就是基于这种文化上的混乱。I suspect that the well-known complaint about Chinese food may based on such cultural confusion.

此外,人所共知,运动释放出的内啡呔也能给你快乐的感觉。Additionally, exercise has been known to release endorphins that give you a feeling of happiness.

人所共知的是,这一领域滥用药物,猛吃回扣的猖獗恶习污染了整个行业的价值链。It is an open secret that rampant abuse and kickbacks plague the value chain throughout the country.

如果您想要养成某种习惯,就必须花费一定的时间,这一点是人所共知的。It's not surprising to learn that if you want to make something a habit, it's going to take some time.

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你应该也了解,谷歌对美国网民隐私权的侵犯史可谓人所共知,源远流长。Google, as you know, has a well-known history of infringing on the privacy rights of America's Internet users.

这一点在很早以前就人所共知了,不过是爱因斯坦先生解释了,大自然为什么以这种模式运行This was known for a long time, but it took Mr. Einstein to figure out why nature is behaving in that fashion.

位于开普吉拉多的东南密苏里州立大学有一位我很喜欢的老师,他滑稽的幽默是人所共知的。One of my favorite teachers at Southeast Missouri State University in Cape Girardeau was known of his droll sense of humor.