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势不可当和喜怒无常是革新者盖茨的两大标志。Inevitability and temperament are two hallmarks of Gates the innovator.

其他的人透一口气,又一次围拢来,毫不留情,势不可当,狰狞残忍。The others, drawing a second's breath, closed in again, implacable, unconquerable, ferocious.

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资本及其意识形态死灰复燃、四处反攻、收复失地、势不可当。The capital and its ideology four counter-offensive to recover lost ground, the way a victory, irresistible.

在我歇息的这个草坡,多种多样的生命形式各自势不可当地呈现自己的细节和不可思议。On this one slope where I rest, the diversity of living forms is overwhelming in its detail and unlikeliness.

势不可当与魅力四射是盖茨作为革新者的两大标志,第三个就是同所有开拓者一样-好景不长了。Inevitability and temperament are two hallmarks of Gates the innovator. The third is the transience of all pioneers.

跨国公司的兴起和发展是经济全球化进程中势不可当的一股力量。Of transnational corporation arisen with a force that developing is the irresistible in economic globalization process.

代写论文的发展势头用势不可当来描绘不无过之,是危害学术的一种不端做法。Generation of writing a paper with unstoppable momentum to depict some have, is one of the hazards of academic misconduct.

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短短几年之中,这一令人兴奋的行业已从一种新事物发展成对美国人民具有势不可当影响力的一种手段。In a few years this exciting industry has grown from a novelty to an instrument of overwhelming impact on the American people.

在市场全球化、通讯网络化、法律文化趋同化的今天,模仿、借鉴与移植外来法律文化是势不可当的潮流。With the globalization of market, network of communication, convergence of legal culture, there is an irresistible trend to imitating and transplanting legal system from foreign culture.

所以说,改善我们的武器装备,培养我们的战斗作风,军队一旦出动,就象鸷鸟捕食那样凶猛,像倾泻到深谷的急流那样势不可当。Thus I say if you improve our weapons and equipment, nurture our martial courage , when you release our forces it will be like a bird attacking, like water rushing down a thousand-fathom valley.

在这个全球化的时代,你们像其它许多企业一样,你们看到了势不可当的变化,技术和信息的涌现使人感到变幻无常,急于掌握未来的东西。And like so many other businesses in this global age, you've seen sweeping changes and technology and communications that lead to a sense of uncertainty and anxiety about what the future will hold.

随着科技的发展,电子产业会有一个非常光明的未来。半导体作为电子产业的核心,发展趋势应当是势不可当。With technology development, the electronic industry will have a bright future. Growing trend of semiconductor industry, which is the core of the electronics industry, should be rapid and unstoppable.