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莫在坟头栽种玫瑰。Plant thou no rose at my head.

不要在我坟头栽种玫瑰。Plant thou no roses at my head.

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不建议在栽种后剪枝。Pruning after planting is not recommended.

树木被滥砍滥伐,新树却无人栽种。Trees were cut down, but none were planted.

但都是本地栽种的产品。but it's pretty much locally grown product.

这些树要每隔20英尺栽种一棵。The trees were planted at 20 feet intervals.

春夏秋冬四季,有栽种有收成。Summer and winter and springtime and harvest.

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林务员把树苗一行行等距栽种。The foresters spaced the seedlings out in rows.

这树因它的美丽的花而栽种。The peach-trees have blossomed out beautifully.

还有,她栽种的那些多年生植物该怎么办呢?And what about all those perennials she planted?

这树因它的美丽的花而栽种。The tree is cultivated for its beautiful flowers.

今年我们栽种了许多漂亮的玫瑰。We have grown a lot of beautiful roses this year.

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71每年必须栽种成千上万株树。Many thousands of trees must be planted every year.

他们会购买农产品和本地栽种的有机产品。for produce and for locally grown organic products.

我是真的葡萄树,我父上帝是栽种的人。I am the true vine, and my Father is the husbandman.

那个美丽的花园的边沿栽种着树木,树上繁花盛开。The beautiful garden was edged with flowering trees.

然后又挖了十道平行的小沟,好栽种菊苗。Then she dug ten parallel trenches to receive the sets.

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所以你栽种布置那专属于你的秘密花园、并妆点你的灵魂。So you plant your own garden and decorate your own soul.

每年有两次,大批大批的妇女栽种成千上万株树。Twice a year, large teams of women plant thousands of trees.

我认识了这棵树,和栽种者。I've become acquainted with this grapevine and the husbandman.