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得闻阿弥陀佛名号。Who hear the Name of Amitabha Buddha.

彼拉多又用牌子写了一个名号,安在十字架上。And Pilate wrote a title, and put it on the cross.

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这次革命本质上就是一个名号而已。The Revolution has essentially become a revolution in name only.

但是不要让它的名号唬住你,绝对值得一看。Do not let its position fool you, it is definitely worth a gander

但是不要让它的名号唬住你,绝对值得一看。Do not let its position fool you, it is definitely worth a gander.

这个名号加在他的身上,比加在像我这样一个没有本事的可怜人身上好多啦。He'll adorn it better than a poor lammicken feller like myself can.

这一类的名号,确实有很多类似的吸引之处。And, those kinds of titles that do have a lot of similar attraction.

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公平贸易名号下的茶、蕉、果、克力棒随处可见。Fair-trade teas, bananas, nuts and other products are also available.

中国给其周边海域冠以“和平之海”的名号。“SEA of peace” is the title China has bestowed on its adjacent oceans.

胡迪尼在欧洲各地巡回表演,并且以『手铐之王』的名号著称。Houdini performed acts all over Europe and was known as "The Handcuff King."

被冠以专家名号的人物在说服他人方面确实技高一筹。People who are perceived as experts have a greater ability to persuade others.

他们所浇奠的血我不献上,我嘴唇也不题别神的名号。I will not pour out their libations of blood or take up their names on my lips.

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但尽管如此,纽科姆的菜圃里种出的作物还是不能打上“有机蔬菜”的名号。But you can't call what's produced on Newcomb's Potomac Vegetable Farms "organic.

一名资深官员建议她,同意将父母正式标以“抑制者”的名号。A senior official counselled her to agree to have her parents formally branded as S.

在政治上,不以事实而以政治标签和名号来作出判断者必将陷入困境。In politics he who judges by denominations and labels and not by social facts is lost.

唐吉柯德请求客栈主人在星辰下的庭院为他授与骑士的名号。Then, Quixote asks the innkeeper to dub him a knight in the courtyard under the stars.

巴尔和他的名号一模一样,他像一场毫不留情的瘟疫一样,蹂躏了我们的大地和家园。Baal is true to his namesake. He has ravaged through our lands like a merciless plague.

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实际上“她”是一个男性牛头人。你以为随便哪个人都配得上“伪装大师”的名号吗?。She e's actually a male tauren. People don't call him "Master of Disguise" for nothing.

索尼已不再是当年那个便携式音响市场里响当当的名号了——今天的“随身听“是iPod。Sony isn’t even a name in theportable audio market anymore —today’s Walkman is an iPod.

他们在充满困难和挑战的时期顶住了社会给他们的压力——充满贬斥的名号。They overcame the societal derogative term orphan in times of difficulty and challenge.